apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: CronJob metadata: name: renovate spec: schedule: "@hourly" concurrencyPolicy: Forbid jobTemplate: spec: ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 3600 template: spec: nodeSelector: kubernetes.io/arch: amd64 containers: - name: renovate # Update this to the latest available and then enable Renovate on # the manifest image: renovate/renovate:32.241.11 args: - Roxedus/Argo - Roxedus/Infra # Environment Variables env: - name: LOG_LEVEL value: debug - name: RENOVATE_PLATFORM value: gitea - name: RENOVATE_GIT_AUTHOR value: "Botty McBottface " - name: RENOVATE_ENDPOINT value: "https://git.roxedus.dev/api/v1" envFrom: - secretRef: name: renovate-secret volumeMounts: - name: work-volume mountPath: /tmp/renovate/ restartPolicy: Never tolerations: - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane" operator: "Exists" - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" operator: "Exists" volumes: - name: work-volume emptyDir: {}