apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: searxng spec: replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: searxng template: metadata: labels: app: searxng spec: containers: - name: searxng image: searxng/searxng:2022.11.11-3a765113 resources: limits: memory: "2G" cpu: "1000m" env: - name: BASE_URL value: https://searxng.roxedus.com - name: INSTANCE_NAME value: Roxedus.com envFrom: - secretRef: name: searxng ports: - containerPort: 8080 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/searxng name: config readOnly: true volumes: - name: config configMap: name: searxng items: - key: "settings" path: "settings.yml" - key: "uwsgi" path: "uwsgi.ini" --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: searxng spec: type: ClusterIP selector: app: searxng ports: - port: 8080 targetPort: 8080 --- apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1 kind: IngressRoute metadata: name: searxng namespace: default spec: entryPoints: - websecure routes: - kind: Rule match: Host(`searxng.roxedus.com`) priority: 10 services: - name: searxng port: 8080 tls: certResolver: cloudflare --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: searxng data: settings: | # see https://docs.searxng.org/admin/engines/settings.html#use-default-settings use_default_settings: true server: limiter: false image_proxy: true ui: static_use_hash: true default_theme: simple theme_args: simple_style: dark infinite_scroll: true results_on_new_tab: true query_in_title: true search: autocomplete: "google" enabled_plugins: - "Hash plugin" - "Search on category select" - "Self Informations" - "Tracker URL remover" - "Hostname replace" - "Open Access DOI rewrite" hostname_replace: '(.*\.)?codegrepper\.com': false '(.*\.)?w3schools\.com': false '(.*\.)?geeksforgeeks\.org': false '(.*\.)?stackshare\.io': false '(.*\.)?tutorialspoint\.com': false '(.*\.)?answeright\.com': false '(.*\.)?askdev\.info': false '(.*\.)?askdev\.io': false '(.*\.)?blogmepost\.com': false '(.*\.)?c-sharpcorner\.com': false '(.*\.)?code-examples\.net': false '(.*\.)?codeflow\.site': false '(.*\.)?gitmemory\.cn': false '(.*\.)?gitmemory\.com': false '(.*\.)?intellipaat\.com': false '(.*\.)?javaer101\.com': false '(.*\.)?programmerstart\.com': false '(.*\.)?programmersought\.com': false '(.*\.)?qastack\.com': false '(.*\.)?roboflow\.ai': false '(.*\.)?stackanswers\.net': false '(.*\.)?stackoom\.com': false '(.*\.)?stackovernet\.com': false '(.*\.)?stackovernet\.xyz': false '(.*\.)?stackoverrun\.com': false '(.*\.)?thetopsites\.net': false '(.*\.)?ubuntugeeks\.com': false '(.*\.)?cyberciti\.biz': false '(.*\.)?ispycode\.com': false '(.*\.)?reposhub\.com': false '(.*\.)?githubmemory\.com': false '(.*\.)?issueexplorer\.com': false '(.*\.)?tabnine\.com': false '(.*\.)?gitcode\.net': false '(.*\.)?command-not-found\.com': false '(.*\.)?im-coder\.com': false '(.*\.)?i-harness\.com': false uwsgi: | [uwsgi] # Who will run the code uid = searxng gid = searxng # Number of workers (usually CPU count) workers = %k threads = 4 # The right granted on the created socket chmod-socket = 666 # Plugin to use and interpreter config single-interpreter = true master = true plugin = python3 lazy-apps = true enable-threads = true # Module to import module = searx.webapp # Virtualenv and python path pythonpath = /usr/local/searxng/ chdir = /usr/local/searxng/searx/ # automatically set processes name to something meaningful auto-procname = true # Disable request logging for privacy disable-logging = true log-5xx = true # Set the max size of a request (request-body excluded) buffer-size = 8192 # No keep alive # See https://github.com/searx/searx-docker/issues/24 add-header = Connection: close # uwsgi serves the static files # expires set to one year since there are hashes static-map = /static=/usr/local/searxng/searx/static static-expires = /* 31557600 static-gzip-all = True offload-threads = %k # Cache cache2 = name=searxngcache,items=2000,blocks=2000,blocksize=4096,bitmap=1