- name: Check if dnsmasq is setup stat: path: "/etc/dnsmasq.d/" register: dnsmasq_setup - name: Set up dnsmasq hosts register: dnsmasq_hosts become: true ansible.builtin.template: src: hosts.custom.j2 group: root owner: root mode: 0644 dest: /etc/hosts.custom - name: Set up dnsmasq rules when: dnsmasq_setup.stat.isdir is defined and dnsmasq_setup.stat.isdir register: dnsmasq become: true ansible.builtin.template: src: 02-custom.conf.j2 group: root owner: root mode: 0644 dest: /etc/dnsmasq.d/02-custom.conf - name: Check if PiHole is installed stat: path: "/usr/local/bin/pihole" register: pihole_bin - name: Restart PiHole systems when: (dnsmasq.changed or dnsmasq_hosts.changed) and pihole_bin.stat.exists become: true ansible.builtin.command: argv: - pihole - restartdns