- name: Install pip package become: "{{ do_become }}" ansible.builtin.apt: name: python3-pip - name: Install github package become: "{{ do_become }}" ansible.builtin.pip: name: github3.py - name: Check if OMP is installed ansible.builtin.stat: path: /usr/local/bin/oh-my-posh register: omp_bin - name: Check OMP version when: omp_bin.stat.exists ansible.builtin.command: /usr/local/bin/oh-my-posh --version changed_when: false register: omp_ver - name: Get latest release of OMP community.general.github_release: user: JanDeDobbeleer repo: oh-my-posh action: latest_release register: omp_latest - name: Download OMP when: not omp_bin.stat.exists or omp_latest.tag != ( "v" + omp_ver.stdout ) become: "{{ do_become }}" ansible.builtin.get_url: url: https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/releases/download/{{ omp_latest.tag }}/posh-linux-{{ apt_arch }} dest: /usr/local/bin/oh-my-posh mode: "0744" force: "yes" - name: Check if Chezmoi is installed ansible.builtin.stat: path: /usr/local/bin/chezmoi register: chezmoi_bin - name: Check Chezmoi version when: chezmoi_bin.stat.exists ansible.builtin.command: /usr/local/bin/chezmoi --version changed_when: false register: chezmoi_ver - name: Get latest release of Chezmoi community.general.github_release: user: twpayne repo: chezmoi action: latest_release register: chezmoi_latest - name: Download Chezmoi when: not chezmoi_bin.stat.exists or chezmoi_latest.tag.split(",")[0] != ( "chezmoi version v" + chezmoi_ver.stdout ) become: "{{ do_become }}" ansible.builtin.get_url: url: https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi/releases/download/{{ chezmoi_latest.tag }}/chezmoi-linux-{{ apt_arch }} dest: /usr/local/bin/chezmoi mode: "0744" force: "yes" - name: Add OMP to bash ansible.builtin.lineinfile: mode: "0644" path: /home/{{ users.0.username }}/.bashrc search_string: oh-my-posh line: eval "$(oh-my-posh init bash --config https://gist.github.com/Roxedus/6a11a5dbd37c24ecacf02fb9aef06e15/raw)" create: yes - name: Basic VI ansible.builtin.lineinfile: mode: "0644" path: /home/{{ users.0.username }}/.vimrc line: set nocompatible create: yes