; Pi-hole's Lists Updater by Jack'lul ; https://github.com/jacklul/pihole-updatelists ; Remote list URL containing list of adlists to import ADLISTS_URL="https://v.firebog.net/hosts/lists.php?type=tick" ; Remote list URL containing exact domains to whitelist WHITELIST_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anudeepND/whitelist/master/domains/whitelist.txt https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Roxedus/9a03d22bf2af78cae4714ee23e74a63d/raw/c15b80f7ef9cd9cdc9f7c3e8fc5e7a077361a041/allowlist.txt" ; Remote list URL containing regex rules for whitelisting REGEX_WHITELIST_URL="" ; Remote list URL containing exact domains to blacklist BLACKLIST_URL="" ; Remote list URL containing regex rules for blacklisting REGEX_BLACKLIST_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmotti/pihole-regex/master/regex.list" ; ============================================================= ; OPTIONAL PARAMETERS (and their default values) ; To change them you have to uncomment them first (remove prefixing ';') ; Comment string used to know which entries were created by the script ; You can still add your own comments to individual entries as long ; you keep this string intact ;COMMENT="Managed by pihole-updatelists" ; Assign additional group to all inserted entries ; To assign only the specified group make the number negative ; `0` is the default group, you can view ID of the group in Pi-hole's web interface ; by hovering mouse cursor over group name field on the 'Group management' page ;GROUP_ID=0 ; Prevent touching entries not created by this script by comparing comment field ; When disabled any user-created entry will be disabled ;REQUIRE_COMMENT=true ; Update gravity after lists are updated? (runs `pihole updateGravity`) ; When disabled invokes lists reload instead ; Set to 'null' to do nothing ;UPDATE_GRAVITY=true ; Vacuum database at the end? (runs `VACUUM` SQLite command) ; Will cause additional writes to disk ;VACUUM_DATABASE=false ; Show more information while the script is running ;VERBOSE=false ; Show debug messages ;DEBUG=false ; Maximum time in seconds one list download can take before giving up ; You should increase this when downloads fail because of timeout ;DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT=60 ; Ignore download failures when using multiple lists ; This will cause entries from the lists that failed to download to be disabled ;IGNORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE=false ; Location of gravity.db file in case you need to change it ;GRAVITY_DB="/etc/pihole/gravity.db" ; Process lockfile to prevent multiple instances of the script from running ; You shouldn't change it - unless `/var/lock` is unavailable ;LOCK_FILE="/var/lock/pihole-updatelists.lock" ; Log console output to file ; In most cases you don't have to set this as you can view the log in the system journal ; Put `-` before path to overwrite file instead of appending to it ;LOG_FILE="" ; Branch to pull remote checksum and update from ;GIT_BRANCH="master"