--- # project information project_name: vscode-server project_url: "https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/vscode-server" project_logo: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/vscode-server-logo.png" project_blurb: "[{{ project_name|capitalize }}]({{ project_url }}) provides a version of VS Code that runs a server on a remote machine and allows access through a modern web browser." project_lsio_github_repo_url: "https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-{{ project_name }}" # supported architectures available_architectures: - { arch: "{{ arch_x86_64 }}", tag: "amd64-latest"} - { arch: "{{ arch_arm64 }}", tag: "arm64v8-latest"} # development version development_versions: false development_versions_items: - { tag: "latest", desc: "Stable releases" } - { tag: "insiders", desc: "Insiders releases" } # container parameters common_param_env_vars_enabled: true param_container_name: "{{ project_name }}" param_usage_include_vols: true param_volumes: - { vol_path: "/config", vol_host_path: "/path/to/appdata/config", desc: "Contains all relevant configuration files." } param_usage_include_ports: true param_ports: - { external_port: "3000", internal_port: "8000", port_desc: "Web UI port." } param_usage_include_env: true param_env_vars: - { env_var: "TZ", env_value: "Europe/London", desc: "Specify a timezone to use." } # optional container parameters opt_param_usage_include_env: true opt_param_env_vars: - { env_var: "CONNECTION_TOKEN", env_value: "", desc: "Optional security token for accessing the Web UI (ie. `supersecrettoken`)." } - { env_var: "CONNECTION_SECRET", env_value: "", desc: "Optional path to a file inside the container that contains the security token for accessing the Web UI (ie. `/path/to/file`). Overrides `CONNECTION_TOKEN`." } - { env_var: "SUDO_PASSWORD", env_value: "password", desc: "If this optional variable is set, user will have sudo access in the vscode-server terminal with the specified password." } - { env_var: "SUDO_PASSWORD_HASH", env_value: "", desc: "Optionally set sudo password via hash (takes priority over `SUDO_PASSWORD` var). Format is `$type$salt$hashed`." } - { env_var: "RUN_MODE", env_value: "", desc: "Optionally set if you want either the web or server component running" } optional_block_1: false optional_block_1_items: "" # application setup block app_setup_block_enabled: true app_setup_block: | If `CONNECTION_TOKEN` or `CONNECTION_SECRET` env vars are set, you can access the webui at `http://:3000/?tkn=supersecrettoken` (replace `supersecrettoken` with the value set). If not, you can access the webui at `http://:3000`. Microsoft's Visual Studio Code Server offering comes with two modes: - Server mode starts a backend server that can be connected to using your local VSCode client, or Microsoft's hosted webclient at [vscode.dev](https://vscode.dev/) - Web mode starts a webclient with it's own backend(like openvscode-server and code-server)(this webclient cannot connect to the server in servermode, as [noted here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/vscode-server#_can-i-use-the-remote-development-extensions-or-a-dev-container-with-the-vs-code-server)) If `RUN_MODE` is set to either `web` or `server`, it only starts that component, if not specified, it runs both. # changelog changelogs: - { date: "01.06.23:", desc: "Initial Release." }