FROM lsiobase/alpine:3.12 # set version label ARG BUILD_DATE ARG VERSION ARG HASS_RELEASE ARG HACS_RELEASE LABEL build_version=" version:- ${VERSION} Build-date:- ${BUILD_DATE}" LABEL maintainer="saarg" # environment settings ENV HOME="/tmp" # install packages RUN \ echo "**** install build packages ****" && \ apk add --no-cache --virtual=build-dependencies \ autoconf \ bluez-deprecated \ ca-certificates \ cmake \ curl \ cython \ eudev-dev \ eudev-libs \ ffmpeg \ ffmpeg-dev \ gcc \ glib-dev \ g++ \ jq \ libffi-dev \ libjpeg-turbo \ libjpeg-turbo-dev \ libstdc++ \ libxml2-dev \ libxslt \ libxslt-dev \ make \ openssl \ openssl-dev \ py3-pip \ py3-wheel \ python3 \ python3-dev \ sudo \ unzip RUN \ echo "**** find packages to build for homeassistant ****" && \ mkdir -p \ /tmp/core && \ if [ -z ${HASS_RELEASE+x} ]; then \ HASS_RELEASE=$(curl -sX GET \ | jq -r .tag_name); \ fi && \ curl -o \ /tmp/core.tar.gz -L \ "${HASS_RELEASE}.tar.gz" && \ tar xf \ /tmp/core.tar.gz -C \ /tmp/core --strip-components=1 RUN \ echo "**** make folders for building wheels and upgrade pip ****" && \ mkdir -p \ /build/addons \ /build/core && \ pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade \ pip RUN \ echo "**** build wheels for home assistant core ****" && \ awk '/# Home Assistant core/,/^$/' /tmp/core/requirements_all.txt > /tmp/requirements_hass.txt && \ awk '/# homeassistant.components.trend/,/^$/' /tmp/core/requirements_all.txt >> /tmp/requirements_hass.txt && \ pip3 wheel --wheel-dir=/build/core --no-cache-dir \ -r /tmp/requirements_hass.txt RUN \ echo "**** build wheels for home assistant addons ****" && \ sed -i "s/-r requirements_test.txt/-r \/tmp\/core\/requirements_test.txt/g" /tmp/core/requirements_test_all.txt && \ sed -i "s/-r requirements_test_pre_commit.txt/-r \/tmp\/core\/requirements_test_pre_commit.txt/g" /tmp/core/requirements_test.txt && \ pip3 wheel --wheel-dir /build/addons --no-cache-dir --find-links=/build/core \ -r /tmp/core/requirements_test_all.txt RUN \ echo "**** install dependencies for ****" && \ if [ -z ${HACS_RELEASE+x} ]; then \ HACS_RELEASE=$(curl -sX GET "" \ | awk '/tag_name/{print $4;exit}' FS='[""]'); \ fi && \ mkdir -p \ /build/hacs \ /tmp/hacs-source && \ curl -o \ /tmp/hacs.tar.gz -L \ "${HACS_RELEASE}.tar.gz" && \ tar xf \ /tmp/hacs.tar.gz -C \ /tmp/hacs-source --strip-components=1 && \ pip3 wheel --wheel-dir=/build/hacs --no-cache-dir --find-links=/build/core --find-links=/build/addons \ -r /tmp/hacs-source/requirements.txt RUN \ mkdir -p \ /tmp/repo && \ mv /build/addons/* /tmp/repo/ && \ mv /build/core/* /tmp/repo/ && \ mv /build/hacs/* /tmp/repo/ && \ tar zcf /tmp/wheel-repo-x86_64.tar.gz /tmp/repo CMD ["cp", "-avr", "/tmp/wheel-repo-x86_64.tar.gz", "/mnt/"]