const axios = require('axios'); const SnowTransfer = require('snowtransfer'); const Logger = require('./logger'); const logger = new Logger(); const utils = require('util'); const Queue = require('./queue.js'); const Webhooks = require('./webhooks'); const Alerts = require('./alerts'); const config = require('../config.json'); const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); class StreamService { constructor() { this.logger = logger; this.queues = {}; this.mixerAlerts = []; this.smashAlerts = []; this.hexes = { twitch: '0x336fd5', smash: '0x336fd5', mixer: '0x336fd5' }; this.urls = { twitch: '' }; } async start() { let configValid = this.verifyConfig(); if (!configValid) return; this.models = require('./models'); this.client = new SnowTransfer(config.token, { baseHost: config.gate }); await this.createTwitchAccess(); let counter = 0; setInterval(() => { if (++counter >= 40) { this.createTwitchAccess(); counter = 0; } }, 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000); this.setupAPI(); setInterval(async () => { let currentTime = new Date(); let needToReSub = await this.models.StreamSubscription.find({ lastSub: { $gte: currentTime - ((864000 - 86400) * 1000) } }); if (needToReSub && needToReSub.length > 0) { for (let sub of needToReSub) { await`${config.twitch.callback}/${}&hub.mode=subscribe&hub.topic=${}&hub.lease_seconds=864000&hub.secret=${config.twitch.webhookSecret}`, {}, { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.manager.twitchAccess}` } }); } } }, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 8); /* this.queues.smash = new Queue({ interval: 1000 * 5, reqPerInterval: 1, service: 'smash' }); this.queues.mixer = new Queue({ interval: 1000 * 5, reqPerInterval: 1, service: 'mixer' });*/ this.listenToEvents(); /* setInterval(() => { this.poll(); }, 1000 * 60 * .25);*/ } verifyConfig() { let valid = {}; valid.gate = config.gate ? true : false; valid.token = config.token ? true : false; valid.apiToken = config.apiToken ? true : false; valid.callback = config.twitch && config.twitch.callback ? true : false; valid.mongo = config.mongo && config.mongo.url ? true : false; valid.secret = config.twitch && config.twitch.secret ? true : false; valid.webhookSecret = config.twitch && config.twitch.webhookSecret ? true : false; valid.clientID = config.twitch && config.twitch.clientID ? true : false; let isValid = true; for (let k in valid) { if (!valid[k]) { isValid = false; console.error(`${k} is invalid.`); } } return isValid; } listenToEvents() { let queues = Object.values(this.queues); for (let item of queues) { item.on('process', (item) => { switch (item.service) { case 'mixer': this.handleMixer(item.request) break; case 'smash': this.handleSmashcast(item.request) break; } }); } this.webhooks.on('twitch', (...params) => { this.handleTwitch(...params); }); } async createTwitchAccess() { let res; try { res = await`${config.twitch.clientID}&client_secret=${config.twitch.secret}&grant_type=client_credentials`); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } if (!res) return console.error('Couldn\'t get access token'); let data =; this.twitchAccess = data.access_token return; } setupAPI() { = express();; this.webhooks = new Webhooks(, this.models, this); this.alerts = new Alerts(, this.models, this);'/streams/*', (req, res, next) => { let token = req.get('Authorization'); if (token !== config.apiToken) { return res.status(401).end(); } next(); }); || 8050); } async poll() { /* await this.getAlerts('smash'); await this.getAlerts('mixer'); this.getSmashcast() .catch(err => logger.error(err)); this.getMixer() .catch(err => logger.error(err));*/ } async getAlerts(service) { let alerts = await this.models.StreamAlert.find({ service: service }).lean().exec(); this[`${service}Alerts`] = alerts; } updateStatus(handle, service, status) { this.models.StreamAlert.update({ service: service, handle: handle }, { $set: { streaming: status } }, { multi: true }) .catch(err => this.logger.error(err)); } async postStream(stream, service, alert) { if (!stream) return; let color = this.hexes[service]; let serviceURL = this.urls[service]; let embed = { description: `**[${} is now live on ${stream.service}!](${stream.url})**\n${stream.title}`, color: parseInt(color), timestamp: stream.startedAt, footer: { icon_url: serviceURL, text: 'Stream started' }, image: { url: stream.image }, thumbnail: { url: stream.logo }, fields: [ { name: 'Playing:', value: } ], author: { name:, url: stream.url, icon_url: stream.logo } } let embeds = []; embeds.push(embed); let webhook = await this.getOrCreateWebhook(; try { this.client.webhook.executeWebhook(, webhook.token, { embeds }); } catch (e) { throw new Error(utils.inspect(e)); } } async getOrCreateWebhook(channelID) { let webhooks = await this.client.webhook.getWebhooksChannel(channelID); if (webhooks.length > 0) { let dynoWebhook = webhooks.find(hook => === 'Dyno'); if (dynoWebhook) { return dynoWebhook; } } return await this.client.webhook.createWebhook(channelID, { name: 'Dyno', avatar: config.webhookAv }); } async postStreams(data, service) { if (!data) return; const { alerts, streams } = data; for (let stream of streams) { let alerts1 = alerts.filter(a => a.handle ===; for (const alert of alerts1) { this.postStream(stream, service, alert); } } } logic(alerts, streams, service) { let alertSet = []; alerts.forEach(a => { let alert = alertSet.find(i => i.handle === a.handle); if (!alert) { alertSet.push(a); } }); for (let alert of alertSet) { let stream = streams.find(s => === alert.handle); if (stream) { if (alert.streaming) { let deleteAlerts = alerts.filter(a => a.handle === alert.handle); deleteAlerts.forEach(a => { let aa = alerts.find(aaa => aaa.guild === a.guild); let index = alerts.indexOf(aa); alerts.splice(index); }); let streamIndex = streams.indexOf(stream); streams.splice(streamIndex); } else { this.updateStatus(alert.handle, service, true); } } else { if (alert.streaming) { this.updateStatus(alert.handle, service, false); } } } return this.postStreams({ alerts, streams }, service); } async getSmashcast() { let alerts = this.smashAlerts if (!alerts || !alerts.length) return; const channels = [ Set( => a.handle))]; this.queues.smash.queue(channels) } async getMixer() { let alerts = this.mixerAlerts if (!alerts || !alerts.length) return; const channels = [ Set( => a.handle))]; this.queues.mixer.queue(channels) } async handleTwitch(stream, userID, isLive) { console.log(userID); let res; try { res = await axios.get(`${userID}`, { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.twitchAccess}` } }); } catch (e) { return console.log(e); } let user =[0]; console.log(user); if (!user) return; let streamAlert = await this.models.StreamAlert.findOne({ service: 'twitch', handle: user.login }); if (streamAlert.streaming && isLive) return; if (streamAlert.streaming) { return this.updateStatus(user.login, 'twitch', false); } else if (!streamAlert.streaming && isLive) { this.updateStatus(user.login, 'twitch', true); } let res1; try { res1 = await axios .get(`${}`, { headers: { 'Authorization': `OAuth ${this.twitchAccess}`, 'Accept': 'application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json' } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } let channel =; let res2; try { res2 = await axios .get(`${stream.game_id}`, { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.twitchAccess}` } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } let game =[0]; let streamData = { service: 'Twitch', name: user.display_name, title: stream.title, logo: user.profile_image_url, url: `${user.login}`, game: game && ? : 'uwu', startedAt: stream.started_at, image: channel & channel.profile_banner ? channel.profile_banner : stream.thumbnail_url.replace('{width}', '300').replace('{height}', '200') }; let alerts = await this.models.StreamAlert.find({ service: 'twitch', handle: user.login }); console.log(alerts); for (let alert of alerts) { this.postStream(streamData, 'twitch', alert); } } async handleMixer(channels) { let streams = []; try { var res = await axios .get(`,${channels.join(';')}`); } catch (err) { this.logger.error(err); return; } if (!res) throw new Error('No response from beam.'); const data = res.body; if (!data) return; streams = => { const stream = { service: 'Beam', name: c.user.username.toLowerCase(), display_name: c.user.username, logo: c.thumbnail.url, url: `${c.user.username}`, views: c.viewersCurrent, followers: c.numFollowers, }; return stream; }); return this.logic(this.mixerAlerts, streams, 'mixer'); } async handleSmashcast(channels) { let streams = []; try { this.queues.get('smash').queue({ url: `${channels.join(',')}?fast=1` }) } catch (err) { this.logger.error(err); return; } if (!res) throw new Error('No response from smashcast.'); const data = res.body; if (!data || !data.livestream) return; streams = => { const stream = { service: 'Smashcast', name: c.media_name, display_name: c.media_display_name, logo: c.media_thumbnail, status: c.media_status, url:, views: c.media_views, followers:, }; return stream; }); return this.logic(this.smashAlerts, streams, 'smash'); } } module.exports = new StreamService();