{ "general": { "version": "Version", "library": "Library", "creator": "Dyno Creator", "servers": "Servers", "users": "Users", "website": "Website", "invite": "Invite", "discord": "Discord", "donate": "Donate", "contributors": "Contributors", "features": "Features", "uptime": "Uptime", "channel": "Channel", "enabled": "enabled", "disabled": "disabled", "unknown-error": "Something went wrong.", "no-results": "Unable to get results", "no-results-for": "I couldn't find any results for {{value}}.", "no-user-role": "I can't find the user or role {{value}}.", "no-user-found": "I can't find that user.", "no-user-found-for": "I can't find the user {{user}}.", "no-role-found": "I can't find that role.", "no-role-found-for": "I can't find the role {{role}}.", "no-settings-error": "No settings for this server.", "support-server": "For personal Dyno help, support, or access to updates/events, join our official support server at {{url}}", "get-premium": "Get Premium", "upgrade": "You can upgrade today at {{url}}" }, "permissions": { "administrator": "Administrator", "manageGuild": "Manage Server", "manageRoles": "Manage Roles", "manageChannels": "Manage Channels", "manageMessages": "Manage Messages", "manageWebhooks": "Manage Webhooks", "manageNicknames": "Manage Nicknames", "manageEmojis": "Manage Emojis", "kickMembers": "Kick Members", "banMembers": "Ban Members", "mentionEveryone": "Mention Everyone", "serverAdmin": "Server Admin", "serverMod": "Server Moderator", "error": "I don't have the following permissions: {{perms}}." }, "manager": { "already-mod-role": "That role already has mod permissions.", "already-mod-user": "That user already has mod permissions.", "no-mod-role": "That role doesn't have mod permissions.", "no-mod-user": "That user doesn't have mod permissions.", "addmod-role": "Users in role {{role}} now have mod permissions.", "addmod-user": "{{user}} is now a server moderator.", "delmod-role": "Users in role {{role}} no longer have mod permissions.", "delmod-user": "{{user}} is no longer a server moderator.", "no-role-name": "Please give a role name.", "role-created": "Created role {{role}}", "role-create-error": "I can't create that role. I may not have manage roles permissions.", "role-delete-error": "I can't delete that role. I may not have manage roles permissions.", "role-edit-error": "I can't make changes to that role.", "role-comma-error": "Separate role names with a comma. See `?help rolename` for examples.", "role-mentionable": "Made the {{role}} role {{mentionable}}", "role-color-change": "Changed the role color for {{role}} to #{{color}}", "role-name-change": "Changed the role name for {{roleName}} to {{newName}}", "valid-channel-error": "Please give a valid channel.", "clearwarn-owner-needed": "Only the server owner can clear all warnings.", "clear-all-warnings": "Cleared all warnings for this server.", "clear-warnings-for": "Cleared {{count}} warnings for {{user}}.", "no-warnings-for": "No warnings found for {{user}}", "deleted-role": "Deleted role {{role}}", "ignore-channel-add": "Added {{channel}} to ignored channels. Commands will no longer be usable.", "ignore-channel-remove": "Removed {{channel}} from ignored channels. Commands can be used again.", "ignore-role-add": "Added {{role}} to ignored roles. Commands will no longer be usable.", "ignore-role-remove": "Removed {{role}} from ignored roles. Commands can be used again.", "modules-description": "To enable/disable a module, use `{{prefix}}module ModuleName` with the module names listed below", "enabled-modules": "Enabled Modules", "disabled-modules": "Disabled Modules", "nick-changed": "Nickname changed.", "nick-change-error": "Unable to change nickname.", "nick-change-for-error": "Unable to change nickname for {{user}}.", "get-prefix": "The prefix for this server is `{{prefix}}`", "prefix-changed": "Changed server prefix to {{prefix}}.", "purge-error": "I can't purge those messages. Make sure I have manage messages permissions.", "purge-number-error": "Enter a number of messages to purge.", "no-command-error": "I can't find the {{command}} command.", "no-module-error": "I can't find the {{module}} module.", "module-enabled": "Enabled {{module}}", "module-disabled": "Disabled {{module}}" }, "ping": { "pong": "Pong!" }, "role": { "no-role-found": "I can't find that role", "no-roles": "There are no roles on this server.", "created": "Role Created" }, "user": { "status": "Status", "joined": "Joined", "join-position": "Join Position", "registered": "Registered", "avatar": "Avatar", "key-permissions": "Key Permissions" }, "misc": { "bot-list-title": "Bot List (Page {{page}}", "last-updates": "Last Updated", "server-count": "{{count}} Servers", "prune-count": "Prune Count", "bans": "Bans", "online": "Online", "humans": "Humans", "owner": "Owner", "region": "Region", "categories": "Channel Categories", "text-channels": "Text Channels", "voice-channels": "Voice Channels", "roles": "Roles", "role-list": "Role List", "server-created": "Server Created", "id": "ID", "name": "Name", "color": "Color", "mention": "Mention", "members": "Members", "hoisted": "Hoisted", "position": "Position", "mentionable": "Mentionable", "bots": "Bots", "roll": "{{user}}, You rolled {{value}}", "acknowledgements": "Acknowledgements" }, "invite": { "create-error": "I can't create an invite." }, "rps": { "choice": "You chose ***{{userchoice}}***. I choose ***{{choice}}***.", "tie": "It's a tie! Please choose another.", "wins": "{{winner}} wins!", "win": "{{winner}} win!" }, "premium": { "description": "Premium is an exclusive version of Dyno with premium features, and improved quality / uptime. It's also a great way to support Dyno development and hosting!", "features": "{{prefix}} Hosted on private/dedicated servers for 99.99% uptime.\n{{prefix}} No limits on song length or playing time.\n{{prefix}} Volume control, playlists, Soundcloud, and more saved queues.\n{{prefix}} Slowmode: Managing chat speed per user or channel.\n{{prefix}} Starboard: Allow members to star their favorite messages in chat.\n{{prefix}} Higher speed/performance and unnoticeable restarts or downtime." }, "actionlog": { "toggle-success": "Action Log {{status}} in {{channel}}.", "error-nochannel": "Please enter a valid channel." } }