mirror of https://github.com/spaam/svtplay-dl.git synced 2024-11-24 12:15:40 +01:00

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import logging
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import List
from svtplay_dl import error
2019-08-25 00:40:39 +02:00
from svtplay_dl.utils.http import HTTP
# TODO: should be set as the default option in the argument parsing?
DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_PRIO = ["dash", "hls", "http"]
LIVE_PROTOCOL_PRIO = ["hls", "dash", "http"]
DEFAULT_FORMAT_PRIO = ["h264", "h264-51"]
2018-03-13 00:44:34 +01:00
def sort_quality(data) -> List:
2018-05-25 22:47:26 +02:00
data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: (x.bitrate, x.name), reverse=True)
datas = []
for i in data:
datas.append([i.bitrate, i.name, i.format, i.resolution, i.language, i.audio_role])
return datas
def list_quality(videos):
2021-05-16 12:14:19 +02:00
data = [["Quality:", "Method:", "Codec:", "Resolution:", "Language:", "Role:"]]
for i in range(len(data)):
f"{str(data[i][0]):<10s} {data[i][1].upper():<8s} {data[i][2]:<8s} {data[i][3]:<12s} {data[i][4]:<20s} {data[i][5]:<20s}",
2021-05-16 12:14:19 +02:00
def protocol_prio(streams, priolist) -> List:
Given a list of VideoRetriever objects and a prioritized list of
accepted protocols (as strings) (highest priority first), return
a list of VideoRetriever objects that are accepted, and sorted
by bitrate, and then protocol priority.
# Map score's to the reverse of the list's index values
proto_score = dict(zip(priolist, range(len(priolist), 0, -1)))
logging.debug("Protocol priority scores (higher is better): %s", str(proto_score))
# Build a tuple (bitrate, proto_score, stream), and use it
# for sorting.
prioritized = [(s.bitrate, proto_score[s.name], s) for s in streams if s.name in proto_score]
return [x[2] for x in sorted(prioritized, key=itemgetter(0, 1), reverse=True)]
def format_prio(streams, priolist) -> List:
logging.debug("Format priority: %s", str(priolist))
prioritized = [s for s in streams if s.format in priolist]
return prioritized
def language_prio(config, streams) -> List:
if config.get("audio_language"):
language = config.get("audio_language")
return streams
prioritized = [s for s in streams if s.language == language]
return prioritized
def audio_role(config, streams) -> List:
if config.get("audio_role"):
role = config.get("audio_role")
elif config.get("audio_role") is None and config.get("audio_language"):
return streams
role = "main"
prioritized = [s for s in streams if s.audio_role == role]
return prioritized
2018-05-08 22:46:11 +02:00
def select_quality(config, streams):
high = 0
2018-05-08 22:46:11 +02:00
if isinstance(config.get("quality"), str):
2018-05-08 22:46:11 +02:00
quality = int(config.get("quality").split("-")[0])
if len(config.get("quality").split("-")) > 1:
high = int(config.get("quality").split("-")[1])
except ValueError:
raise error.UIException("Requested quality is invalid. use a number or range lowerNumber-higherNumber")
2018-05-08 22:46:11 +02:00
quality = config.get("quality")
optq = int(quality)
except ValueError:
raise error.UIException("Requested quality needs to be a number")
2018-05-08 22:46:11 +02:00
optf = int(config.get("flexibleq"))
except ValueError:
raise error.UIException("Flexible-quality needs to be a number")
if optf == 0 and high:
optf = (high - quality) / 2
optq = quality + (high - quality) / 2
if config.get("format_preferred"):
form_prio = config.get("format_preferred").split(",")
streams = format_prio(streams, form_prio)
streams = audio_role(config, streams)
if not streams:
raise error.UIException(f"Can't find any streams with that audio role {config.get('audio_role')}")
streams = language_prio(config, streams)
if not streams:
raise error.UIException(f"Can't find any streams with that audio language {config.get('audio_language')}")
# Extract protocol prio, in the form of "hls,http",
# we want it as a list
2018-05-08 22:46:11 +02:00
if config.get("stream_prio"):
2019-08-25 00:27:31 +02:00
proto_prio = config.get("stream_prio").split(",")
2018-05-08 22:46:11 +02:00
elif config.get("live") or streams[0].config.get("live"):
# Filter away any unwanted protocols, and prioritize
# based on --stream-priority.
streams = protocol_prio(streams, proto_prio)
if len(streams) == 0:
raise error.NoRequestedProtocols(requested=proto_prio, found=list({s.name for s in streams}))
# Build a dict indexed by bitrate, where each value
# is the stream with the highest priority protocol.
stream_hash = {}
for s in streams:
if s.bitrate not in stream_hash:
stream_hash[s.bitrate] = s
avail = sorted(stream_hash.keys(), reverse=True)
# wanted_lim is a two element tuple defines lower/upper bounds
# (inclusive). By default, we want only the best for you
# (literally!).
wanted_lim = (avail[0],) * 2
if optq:
wanted_lim = (optq - optf, optq + optf)
# wanted is the filtered list of available streams, having
# a bandwidth within the wanted_lim range.
wanted = [a for a in avail if a >= wanted_lim[0] and a <= wanted_lim[1]]
# If none remains, the bitrate filtering was too tight.
if len(wanted) == 0:
data = sort_quality(streams)
2021-04-27 19:44:09 +02:00
quality = ", ".join(f"{str(x)} ({str(y)})" for x, y in data)
raise error.UIException("Can't find that quality. Try one of: %s (or " "try --flexible-quality)" % quality)
2018-05-08 22:46:11 +02:00
http = HTTP(config)
# Test if the wanted stream is available. If not try with the second best and so on.
for w in wanted:
res = http.get(stream_hash[w].url, cookies=stream_hash[w].kwargs.get("cookies", None))
if res is not None and res.status_code < 404:
return stream_hash[w]
2018-03-13 00:44:34 +01:00
raise error.UIException("Streams not available to download.")