from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import copy import os from svtplay_dl.service import Service from svtplay_dl.log import log from svtplay_dl.fetcher.dash import dashparse from svtplay_dl.subtitle import subtitle from svtplay_dl.utils import filenamify from svtplay_dl.utils.urllib import urljoin, urlparse from svtplay_dl.error import ServiceError class Cmore(Service): supported_domains = ['', '', '', ''] def get(self): if not self.options.username or not self.options.password: yield ServiceError("You need username and password to download things from this site.") return token, message = self._login() if not token: yield ServiceError(message) return res = self.http.get(self.url) match ='data-asset-id="([^"]+)"', res.text) if not match: yield ServiceError("Can't find video id") return tld = self._gettld() url = "https://restapi.cmore.{0}/api/tve_web/asset/{1}/play.json?protocol=VUDASH".format(tld, res = self.http.get(url, headers={"authorization": "Bearer {0}".format(token)}) janson = res.json() if "error" in janson: yield ServiceError("This video is geoblocked") return if self.options.output_auto: directory = os.path.dirname(self.options.output) self.options.service = "cmore" basename = self._autoname( if basename is None: yield ServiceError("Cant find vid id for autonaming") return title = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(basename,, self.options.service) title = filenamify(title) if len(directory): self.options.output = os.path.join(directory, title) else: self.options.output = title if self.exclude(): yield ServiceError("Excluding video") return if "drmProtected" in janson["playback"]: if janson["playback"]["drmProtected"]: yield ServiceError("DRM protected. Can't do anything") return if isinstance(janson["playback"]["items"]["item"], list): for i in janson["playback"]["items"]["item"]: if i["mediaFormat"] == "ism": streams = dashparse(self.options, self.http.request("get", i["url"]), i["url"]) if streams: for n in list(streams.keys()): yield streams[n] if i["mediaFormat"] == "webvtt": yield subtitle(copy.copy(self.options), "wrst", i["url"]) else: i = janson["playback"]["items"]["item"] if i["mediaFormat"] == "ism": streams = dashparse(self.options, self.http.request("get", i["url"]), i["url"]) if streams: for n in list(streams.keys()): yield streams[n] def _autoname(self, vid): url = "https://restapi.cmore.{0}/api/tve_web/asset/{1}.json?expand=metadata".format(self._gettld(), vid) res = self.http.get(url) janson = res.json()["asset"]["metadata"] if isinstance(janson["title"], list): for i in janson["title"]: if self._gettld() == "se": if i["@xml:lang"] == "sv_SE": name = i["$"] elif self._gettld() == "dk": if i["@xml:lang"] == "da_DK": name = i["$"] elif self._gettld() == "no": if i["@xml:lang"] == "nb_NO": name = i["$"] elif self._gettld() == "fi": if i["@xml:lang"] == "fi_FI": name = i["$"] else: name = janson["title"]["$"] if "season" in janson: season = "{0:02d}".format(int(janson["season"]["$"])) name = "{0}.S{1}E{2:02d}".format(name, season, int(janson["episode"]["$"])) return name def find_all_episodes(self, options): episodes = [] token, message = self._login() if not token: log.error(message) return res = self.http.get(self.url) tags = re.findall(' 0: return sorted(episodes[-options.all_last:]) return sorted(episodes) def _gettld(self): if isinstance(self.url, list): parse = urlparse(self.url[0]) else: parse = urlparse(self.url) return'\.(\w{2})$', parse.netloc).group(1) def _login(self): tld = self._gettld() url = "https://www.cmore.{}/login".format(tld) res = self.http.get(url, cookies=self.cookies) if self.options.cmoreoperator: post = {"username": self.options.username, "password": self.options.password, "operator": self.options.cmoreoperator, "country_code": tld} else: post = {"username": self.options.username, "password": self.options.password} res ="https://account.cmore.{}/session?client=cmore-web-prod".format(tld), json=post, cookies=self.cookies) if res.status_code >= 400: return None, "Wrong username or password" janson = res.json() token = janson["data"]["vimond_token"] return token, None def operatorlist(self): res = self.http.get("{0}/operator?client=cmore-web".format(self._gettld())) for i in res.json()["data"]["operators"]: print("operator: '{0}'".format(i["name"].lower()))