# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- import datetime import hashlib import logging import random import re from urllib.parse import urlparse from svtplay_dl.error import ServiceError from svtplay_dl.fetcher.hls import hlsparse from svtplay_dl.service import Service from svtplay_dl.subtitle import subtitle country = {"sv": ".se", "da": ".dk", "no": ".no"} REALMS = {"discoveryplus.se": "dplayse", "discoveryplus.no": "dplayno", "discoveryplus.dk": "dplaydk"} class Dplay(Service): supported_domains = ["discoveryplus.se", "discoveryplus.no", "discoveryplus.dk"] packages = [] def get(self): parse = urlparse(self.url) self.domain = re.search(r"(discoveryplus\.\w\w)", parse.netloc).group(1) if not self._token(): logging.error("Something went wrong getting token for requests") if not self._login(): yield ServiceError("You need the 'st' cookie from your web brower for the site to make it work") return channel = False if "kanaler" in parse.path: match = re.search("kanaler/([^/]+)$", parse.path) if not match: yield ServiceError("Can't detect 'kanaler'") return path = "/channels/{}".format(match.group(1)) url = "https://disco-api.{}/content{}".format(self.domain, path) channel = True self.config.set("live", True) elif "program" in parse.path: match = re.search("(programmer|program)/([^/]+)$", parse.path) if not match: yield ServiceError("Can't find program url") return path = "/shows/{}".format(match.group(2)) url = "https://disco-api.{}/content{}".format(self.domain, path) res = self.http.get(url, headers={"x-disco-client": "WEB:UNKNOWN:dplay-client:0.0.1"}) programid = res.json()["data"]["id"] qyerystring = ( "include=primaryChannel,show&filter[videoType]=EPISODE&filter[show.id]={}&" "page[size]=100&sort=seasonNumber,episodeNumber,-earliestPlayableStart".format(programid) ) res = self.http.get("https://disco-api.{}/content/videos?{}".format(self.domain, qyerystring)) janson = res.json() vid = 0 slug = None for i in janson["data"]: if int(i["id"]) > vid: vid = int(i["id"]) slug = i["attributes"]["path"] if slug: url = "https://disco-api.{}/content/videos/{}".format(self.domain, slug) else: yield ServiceError("Cant find latest video on program url") return else: match = re.search("(videos|videoer)/(.*)$", parse.path) url = "https://disco-api.{}/content/videos/{}".format(self.domain, match.group(2)) res = self.http.get(url, headers={"x-disco-client": "WEB:UNKNOWN:dplay-client:0.0.1"}) janson = res.json() if "errors" in janson: yield ServiceError("Cant find any videos on this url") return if channel: name = janson["data"]["attributes"]["name"] self.output["title"] = name else: name = self._autoname(janson) if name is None: yield ServiceError("Cant find vid id for autonaming") return self.output["id"] = janson["data"]["id"] api = "https://disco-api.{}/playback/videoPlaybackInfo/{}?usePreAuth=true".format(self.domain, janson["data"]["id"]) res = self.http.get(api) if res.status_code > 400: yield ServiceError("You dont have permission to watch this") return streams = hlsparse( self.config, self.http.request("get", res.json()["data"]["attributes"]["streaming"]["hls"]["url"]), res.json()["data"]["attributes"]["streaming"]["hls"]["url"], httpobject=self.http, output=self.output, ) for n in list(streams.keys()): if isinstance(streams[n], subtitle): # we get the subtitles from the hls playlist. if self.config.get("get_all_subtitles"): yield streams[n] else: if streams[n].subfix in country and country[streams[n].subfix] in self.domain: yield streams[n] else: yield streams[n] def _autoname(self, jsondata): match = re.search("^([^/]+)/", jsondata["data"]["attributes"]["path"]) self.output["title"] = match.group(1) self.output["season"] = int(jsondata["data"]["attributes"]["seasonNumber"]) self.output["episode"] = int(jsondata["data"]["attributes"]["episodeNumber"]) self.output["episodename"] = jsondata["data"]["attributes"]["name"] return self.output["title"] def find_all_episodes(self, config): parse = urlparse(self.url) self.domain = re.search(r"(discoveryplus\.\w\w)", parse.netloc).group(1) programid = None seasons = [] episodes = [] match = re.search("^/(program|programmer|videos|videoer)/([^/]+)", parse.path) if not match: logging.error("Can't find show name") return None if not self._login(): logging.error("Need the 'st' cookie to work") return None if not self._token(): logging.error("Something went wrong getting token for requests") self._getpackages() urllocal = "" if self.domain in ["dplay.dk", "dplay.no"]: urllocal = "mer" url = "http://disco-api.{}/cms/routes/program{}/{}?decorators=viewingHistory&include=default".format(self.domain, urllocal, match.group(2)) res = self.http.get(url) if res.status_code > 400: logging.error("Cant find any videos. wrong url?") return episodes showid = None for what in res.json()["included"]: if "attributes" in what and "alias" in what["attributes"] and "season" in what["attributes"]["alias"]: programid = what["id"] for ses in what["attributes"]["component"]["filters"]: if ses["id"] == "seasonNumber": for opt in ses["options"]: seasons.append(opt["value"]) if "mandatoryParams" in what["attributes"]["component"]: showid = what["attributes"]["component"]["mandatoryParams"] if programid: for season in seasons: page = 1 totalpages = 1 while page <= totalpages: querystring = "decorators=viewingHistory&include=default&page[items.number]={}&pf[seasonNumber]={}".format( page, season, ) if showid: querystring += "&{}".format(showid) res = self.http.get("https://disco-api.{}/cms/collections/{}?{}".format(self.domain, programid, querystring)) janson = res.json() totalpages = janson["data"]["meta"]["itemsTotalPages"] for i in janson["included"]: if i["type"] != "video": continue if i["attributes"]["videoType"] == "EPISODE": if not self._playablefile(i["attributes"]["availabilityWindows"]): continue episodes.append("https://www.{}/videos/{}".format(self.domain, i["attributes"]["path"])) page += 1 if not episodes: logging.error("Cant find any playable files") if config.get("all_last") > 0: return episodes[: config.get("all_last")] return episodes def _login(self): res = self.http.get("https://disco-api.{}/users/me".format(self.domain), headers={"authority": "disco-api.{}".format(self.domain)}) if res.status_code >= 400: return False if not res.json()["data"]["attributes"]["anonymous"]: return True return False def _token(self) -> bool: # random device id for cookietoken deviceid = hashlib.sha256(bytes(int(random.random() * 1000))).hexdigest() url = "https://disco-api.{}/token?realm={}&deviceId={}&shortlived=true".format(self.domain, REALMS[self.domain], deviceid) res = self.http.get(url) if res.status_code >= 400: return False return True def _getpackages(self): res = self.http.get("https://disco-api.{}/users/me".format(self.domain), headers={"authority": "disco-api.{}".format(self.domain)}) if res.status_code < 400: self.packages.extend(res.json()["data"]["attributes"]["packages"]) def _playablefile(self, needs): playable = False now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() for package in self.packages: for need in needs: if package != need["package"]: continue start = datetime.datetime.strptime(need["playableStart"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").replace(tzinfo=None) if now > start: if "playableEnd" in need: end = datetime.datetime.strptime(need["playableEnd"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").replace(tzinfo=None) if now < end: playable = True else: playable = True return playable