# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import os import re from svtplay_dl.utils import get_http_data from svtplay_dl.output import progressbar, progress_stream, ETA, output from svtplay_dl.log import log from svtplay_dl.utils.urllib import urlparse from svtplay_dl.error import UIException from svtplay_dl.fetcher import VideoRetriever class HLSException(UIException): def __init__(self, url, message): self.url = url super(HLSException, self).__init__(message) class LiveHLSException(HLSException): def __init__(self, url): super(LiveHLSException, self).__init__( url, "This is a live HLS stream, and they are not supported.") def _get_full_url(url, srcurl): if url[:4] == 'http': return url urlp = urlparse(srcurl) # remove everything after last / in the path of the URL baseurl = re.sub(r'^([^\?]+)/[^/]*(\?.*)?$', r'\1', srcurl) returl = "%s/%s" % (baseurl, url) # Append optional query parameters if urlp.query: returl += "?%s" % urlp.query return returl def hlsparse(url): error, data = get_http_data(url) if error: log.error("Cant get hls playlist") return files = (parsem3u(data))[1] streams = {} for i in files: bitrate = float(i[1]["BANDWIDTH"])/1000 streams[int(bitrate)] = _get_full_url(i[0], url) return streams class HLS(VideoRetriever): def name(self): return "hls" def download(self): if self.options.live and not self.options.force: raise LiveHLSException(self.url) error, m3u8 = get_http_data(self.url) if error: log.error("Cant get m3u8 file.") return globaldata, files = parsem3u(m3u8) encrypted = False key = None try: keydata = globaldata["KEY"] encrypted = True except KeyError: pass if encrypted: try: from Crypto.Cipher import AES except ImportError: log.error("You need to install pycrypto to download encrypted HLS streams") sys.exit(2) match = re.search(r'URI="(https?://.*?)"', keydata) error, key = get_http_data(match.group(1)) if error: log.error("Can't get crypto key to decode files.") return rand = os.urandom(16) decryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, rand) file_d = output(self.options, self.options.output, "ts") if hasattr(file_d, "read") is False: return n = 1 eta = ETA(len(files)) for i in files: item = _get_full_url(i[0], self.url) if self.options.output != "-": eta.increment() progressbar(len(files), n, ''.join(['ETA: ', str(eta)])) n += 1 error, data = get_http_data(item) if error: log.error("Missing segment in playlist") return if encrypted: data = decryptor.decrypt(data) file_d.write(data) if self.options.output != "-": file_d.close() progress_stream.write('\n') def parsem3u(data): if not data.startswith("#EXTM3U"): raise ValueError("Does not apprear to be a ext m3u file") files = [] streaminfo = {} globdata = {} data = data.replace("\r", "\n") for l in data.split("\n")[1:]: if not l: continue if l.startswith("#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:"): # not a proper parser info = [x.strip().split("=", 1) for x in l[18:].split(",")] for i in range(0, len(info)): if info[i][0] == "BANDWIDTH": streaminfo.update({info[i][0]: info[i][1]}) if info[i][0] == "RESOLUTION": streaminfo.update({info[i][0]: info[i][1]}) elif l.startswith("#EXT-X-ENDLIST"): break elif l.startswith("#EXT-X-"): globdata.update(dict([l[7:].strip().split(":", 1)])) elif l.startswith("#EXTINF:"): dur, title = l[8:].strip().split(",", 1) streaminfo['duration'] = dur streaminfo['title'] = title elif l[0] == '#': pass else: files.append((l, streaminfo)) streaminfo = {} return globdata, files