# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- import binascii import copy import os import time from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import algorithms from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import modes from svtplay_dl.error import ServiceError from svtplay_dl.error import UIException from svtplay_dl.fetcher import VideoRetriever from svtplay_dl.fetcher.m3u8 import M3U8 from svtplay_dl.subtitle import subtitle_probe from svtplay_dl.utils.fetcher import filter_files from svtplay_dl.utils.http import get_full_url from svtplay_dl.utils.output import ETA from svtplay_dl.utils.output import formatname from svtplay_dl.utils.output import progress_stream from svtplay_dl.utils.output import progressbar class HLSException(UIException): def __init__(self, url, message): self.url = url super().__init__(message) class LiveHLSException(HLSException): def __init__(self, url): super().__init__(url, "This is a live HLS stream, and they are not supported.") def hlsparse(config, res, url, output, **kwargs): if not res: return if res.status_code > 400: yield ServiceError(f"Can't read HLS playlist. {res.status_code}") return yield from _hlsparse(config, res.text, url, output, cookies=res.cookies, **kwargs) def _hlsparse(config, text, url, output, **kwargs): m3u8 = M3U8(text) keycookie = kwargs.pop("keycookie", None) cookies = kwargs.pop("cookies", None) authorization = kwargs.pop("authorization", None) loutput = copy.copy(output) loutput["ext"] = "ts" channels = kwargs.pop("channels", None) codec = kwargs.pop("codec", "h264") media = {} subtitles = {} videos = {} segments = None if m3u8.master_playlist: for i in m3u8.master_playlist: audio_url = None vcodec = None chans = None audio_group = None language = "" resolution = "" if i["TAG"] == "EXT-X-MEDIA": if i["TYPE"] and i["TYPE"] != "SUBTITLES": if "URI" in i: if segments is None: segments = True if i["GROUP-ID"] not in media: media[i["GROUP-ID"]] = [] if "CHANNELS" in i: if i["CHANNELS"] == "6": chans = "51" if "LANGUAGE" in i: language = i["LANGUAGE"] if "AUTOSELECT" in i and i["AUTOSELECT"].upper() == "YES": role = "main" else: role = "alt" media[i["GROUP-ID"]].append([i["URI"], chans, language, role]) else: segments = False if i["TYPE"] == "SUBTITLES": if "URI" in i: caption = None if i["GROUP-ID"] not in subtitles: subtitles[i["GROUP-ID"]] = [] if "LANGUAGE" in i: lang = i["LANGUAGE"] else: lang = "und" if "CHARACTERISTICS" in i: caption = True item = [i["URI"], lang, caption] if item not in subtitles[i["GROUP-ID"]]: subtitles[i["GROUP-ID"]].append(item) continue elif i["TAG"] == "EXT-X-STREAM-INF": if "AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH" in i: bit_rate = float(i["AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH"]) / 1000 else: bit_rate = float(i["BANDWIDTH"]) / 1000 if "RESOLUTION" in i: resolution = i["RESOLUTION"] if "CODECS" in i: if i["CODECS"][:3] == "hvc": vcodec = "hevc" if i["CODECS"][:3] == "avc": vcodec = "h264" if "AUDIO" in i: audio_group = i["AUDIO"] urls = get_full_url(i["URI"], url) videos[bit_rate] = [urls, resolution, vcodec, audio_group] else: continue # Needs to be changed to utilise other tags. for bit_rate in list(videos.keys()): urls, resolution, vcodec, audio_group = videos[bit_rate] if audio_group and media: for group in media[audio_group]: audio_url = get_full_url(group[0], url) chans = group[1] if audio_url else channels codec = vcodec if vcodec else codec yield HLS( copy.copy(config), urls, bit_rate, cookies=cookies, keycookie=keycookie, authorization=authorization, audio=audio_url, output=loutput, segments=bool(segments), channels=chans, codec=codec, resolution=resolution, language=group[2], role=group[3], **kwargs, ) else: chans = channels codec = vcodec if vcodec else codec yield HLS( copy.copy(config), urls, bit_rate, cookies=cookies, keycookie=keycookie, authorization=authorization, audio=audio_url, output=loutput, segments=bool(segments), channels=chans, codec=codec, resolution=resolution, **kwargs, ) if subtitles: for sub in list(subtitles.keys()): for n in subtitles[sub]: subfix = n[2] if len(subtitles[sub]) > 1: if subfix: subfix = f"{n[1]}-caption" yield from subtitle_probe( copy.copy(config), get_full_url(n[0], url), output=copy.copy(output), subfix=subfix, cookies=cookies, **kwargs, ) elif m3u8.media_segment: config.set("segments", False) yield HLS( copy.copy(config), url, 0, cookies=cookies, keycookie=keycookie, authorization=authorization, output=loutput, segments=False, ) else: yield ServiceError("Can't find HLS playlist in m3u8 file.") class HLS(VideoRetriever): @property def name(self): return "hls" def download(self): self.output_extention = "ts" if self.segments: if self.audio and not self.config.get("only_video"): # self._download(self.audio, file_name=(copy.copy(self.output), "audio.ts")) self._download(self.audio, True) if not self.audio or not self.config.get("only_audio"): self._download(self.url) else: # Ignore audio self.audio = None self._download(self.url) def _download(self, url, audio=False): cookies = self.kwargs.get("cookies", None) start_time = time.time() m3u8 = M3U8(self.http.request("get", url, cookies=cookies).text) key = None def random_iv(): return os.urandom(16) if audio: self.output["ext"] = "audio.ts" else: self.output["ext"] = "ts" filename = formatname(self.output, self.config) file_d = open(filename, "wb") hls_time_stamp = self.kwargs.pop("hls_time_stamp", False) if self.kwargs.get("filter", False): m3u8 = filter_files(m3u8) decryptor = None size_media = len(m3u8.media_segment) eta = ETA(size_media) total_duration = 0 duration = 0 max_duration = 0 for index, i in enumerate(m3u8.media_segment): if "EXTINF" in i and "duration" in i["EXTINF"]: duration = i["EXTINF"]["duration"] max_duration = max(max_duration, duration) total_duration += duration item = get_full_url(i["URI"], url) if not self.config.get("silent"): if self.config.get("live"): progressbar(size_media, index + 1, "".join(["DU: ", str(timedelta(seconds=int(total_duration)))])) else: eta.increment() progressbar(size_media, index + 1, "".join(["ETA: ", str(eta)])) headers = {} if "EXT-X-BYTERANGE" in i: headers["Range"] = f'bytes={i["EXT-X-BYTERANGE"]["o"]}-{i["EXT-X-BYTERANGE"]["o"] + i["EXT-X-BYTERANGE"]["n"] - 1}' data = self.http.request("get", item, cookies=cookies, headers=headers) if data.status_code == 404: break data = data.content if m3u8.encrypted: headers = {} if self.keycookie: keycookies = self.keycookie else: keycookies = cookies if self.authorization: headers["authorization"] = self.authorization # Update key/decryptor if "EXT-X-KEY" in i: keyurl = get_full_url(i["EXT-X-KEY"]["URI"], url) if keyurl and keyurl[:4] == "skd:": raise HLSException(keyurl, "Can't decrypt beacuse of DRM") key = self.http.request("get", keyurl, cookies=keycookies, headers=headers).content iv = binascii.unhexlify(i["EXT-X-KEY"]["IV"][2:].zfill(32)) if "IV" in i["EXT-X-KEY"] else random_iv() backend = default_backend() cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=backend) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() # In some cases the playlist say its encrypted but the files is not. # This happen on svtplay 5.1ch stream where it started with ID3.. # Adding the other ones is header for mpeg-ts files. third byte is 10 or 11.. if data[:3] != b"ID3" and data[:3] != b"\x47\x40\x11" and data[:3] != b"\x47\x40\x10" and data[4:12] != b"ftypisom": if decryptor: data = decryptor.update(data) else: raise ValueError("No decryptor found for encrypted hls steam.") file_d.write(data) if self.config.get("capture_time") > 0 and total_duration >= self.config.get("capture_time") * 60: break if (size_media == (index + 1)) and self.config.get("live"): sleep_int = (start_time + max_duration * 2) - time.time() if sleep_int > 0: time.sleep(sleep_int) size_media_old = size_media while size_media_old == size_media: start_time = time.time() if hls_time_stamp: end_time_stamp = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=max_duration * 2)).replace(microsecond=0) start_time_stamp = end_time_stamp - timedelta(minutes=1) base_url = url.split(".m3u8")[0] url = f"{base_url}.m3u8?in={start_time_stamp.isoformat()}&out={end_time_stamp.isoformat()}?" new_m3u8 = M3U8(self.http.request("get", url, cookies=cookies).text) for n_m3u in new_m3u8.media_segment: if not any(d["URI"] == n_m3u["URI"] for d in m3u8.media_segment): m3u8.media_segment.append(n_m3u) size_media = len(m3u8.media_segment) if size_media_old == size_media: time.sleep(max_duration) file_d.close() if not self.config.get("silent"): progress_stream.write("\n") self.finished = True