# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import re import os import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import copy import json import hashlib from svtplay_dl.log import log from svtplay_dl.service import Service, OpenGraphThumbMixin from svtplay_dl.utils import filenamify, ensure_unicode, is_py2, decode_html_entities from svtplay_dl.utils.urllib import urlparse, urljoin, parse_qs from svtplay_dl.fetcher.hds import hdsparse from svtplay_dl.fetcher.hls import hlsparse from svtplay_dl.fetcher.dash import dashparse from svtplay_dl.subtitle import subtitle from svtplay_dl.error import ServiceError class Svtplay(Service, OpenGraphThumbMixin): supported_domains = ['svtplay.se', 'svt.se', 'beta.svtplay.se', 'svtflow.se'] def get(self): old = False parse = urlparse(self.url) if parse.netloc == "www.svtplay.se" or parse.netloc == "svtplay.se": if parse.path[:6] != "/video" and parse.path[:6] != "/klipp": yield ServiceError("This mode is not supported anymore. need the url with the video") return vid = self.find_video_id() if vid is None: yield ServiceError("Cant find video id for this video") return if re.match("^[0-9]+$", vid): old = True url = "http://www.svt.se/videoplayer-api/video/%s" % vid data = self.http.request("get", url) if data.status_code == 404: yield ServiceError("Can't get the json file for %s" % url) return data = data.json() if "live" in data: self.options.live = data["live"] if old: params = {"output": "json"} try: dataj = self.http.request("get", self.url, params=params).json() except ValueError: dataj = data old = False else: dataj = data if self.options.output_auto: self.options.service = "svtplay" self.options.output = self.outputfilename(dataj, self.options.output, ensure_unicode(self.get_urldata())) if self.exclude(): yield ServiceError("Excluding video") return if "subtitleReferences" in data: for i in data["subtitleReferences"]: if i["format"] == "websrt": yield subtitle(copy.copy(self.options), "wrst", i["url"]) if old and dataj["video"]["subtitleReferences"]: try: suburl = dataj["video"]["subtitleReferences"][0]["url"] except KeyError: pass if suburl and len(suburl) > 0: yield subtitle(copy.copy(self.options), "wrst", suburl) if len(data["videoReferences"]) == 0: yield ServiceError("Media doesn't have any associated videos (yet?)") return for i in data["videoReferences"]: if i["format"] == "hls" or i["format"] == "ios": streams = hlsparse(self.options, self.http.request("get", i["url"]), i["url"]) if streams: for n in list(streams.keys()): yield streams[n] if i["format"] == "hds" or i["format"] == "flash": match = re.search(r"\/se\/secure\/", i["url"]) if not match: streams = hdsparse(self.options, self.http.request("get", i["url"], params={"hdcore": "3.7.0"}), i["url"]) if streams: for n in list(streams.keys()): yield streams[n] if i["format"] == "dash264": streams = dashparse(self.options, self.http.request("get", i["url"]), i["url"]) if streams: for n in list(streams.keys()): yield streams[n] def find_video_id(self): match = re.search('data-video-id="([^"]+)"', self.get_urldata()) if match: return match.group(1) parse = urlparse(self.url) query = parse_qs(parse.query) match = re.search("/video/([0-9]+)/", parse.path) if match: return match.group(1) match = re.search("/klipp/([0-9]+)/", parse.path) if match: return match.group(1) match = re.search("data-video-id='([^']+)'", self.get_urldata()) if match: return match.group(1) match = re.search("/videoEpisod-([^/]+)/", parse.path) if not match: match = re.search(r'data-id="(\d+)-', self.get_urldata()) vid = None if match: vid = match.group(1) if not vid: for i in query.keys(): if i == "articleId": vid = query["articleId"][0] break if vid: vtype = None for i in ["video", "klipp"]: url = "http://www.svtplay.se/%s/%s/" % (i, vid) data = self.http.request("get", url) if data.status_code == 200: vtype = i break if vtype: self._url = "http://www.svtplay.se/%s/%s/" % (vtype, vid) self._urldata = None self.get_urldata() return self.find_video_id() if not match: match = re.search(r'src="(//www.svt.se/wd?[^"]+)"', self.get_urldata()) if match: self._urldata = None self._url = "http:%s" % decode_html_entities(match.group(1)) self.get_urldata() return self.find_video_id() return None def find_all_episodes(self, options): match = re.search(r']*href="([^"]+)"', self.get_urldata()) if match is None: videos = [] match = re.search('_svtplay"] = ({.*});', self.get_urldata()) if match: dataj = json.loads(match.group(1)) items = dataj["context"]["dispatcher"]["stores"]["VideoTitlePageStore"]["data"]["relatedVideoTabs"] else: log.error("Couldn't retrieve episode list") return for i in items: if "sasong" in i["slug"]: for n in i["videos"]: if n["url"] not in videos: videos.append(n["url"]) if "senast" in i["slug"]: for n in i["videos"]: if n["url"] not in videos: videos.append(n["url"]) episodes = [urljoin("http://www.svtplay.se", x) for x in videos] else: data = self.http.request("get", match.group(1)).content xml = ET.XML(data) episodes = [x.text for x in xml.findall(".//item/link")] episodes_new = [] n = 1 for i in episodes: episodes_new.append(i) if n == options.all_last: break n += 1 return sorted(episodes_new) def outputfilename(self, data, filename, raw): directory = os.path.dirname(filename) if "statistics" in data: name = data["statistics"]["folderStructure"] if name.find(".") > 0: name = name[:name.find(".")] match = re.search("^arkiv-", name) if match: name = name.replace("arkiv-", "") name = filenamify(name.replace("-", ".")) other = filenamify(data["context"]["title"]) id = data["videoId"] else: name = data["programTitle"] if not name: match = re.search('data-title="([^"]+)"', raw) if match: name = filenamify(match.group(1).replace(" - ", ".")) other = None else: if name.find(".") > 0: name = name[:name.find(".")] name = filenamify(name.replace(" - ", ".")) other = filenamify(data["episodeTitle"]) if is_py2: id = hashlib.sha256(data["programVersionId"]).hexdigest()[:7] else: id = hashlib.sha256(data["programVersionId"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:7] if name == other: other = None season = self.seasoninfo(raw) title = name if season: title += ".%s" % season if other: title += ".%s" % other title += "-%s-svtplay" % id title = filenamify(title) if len(directory): output = os.path.join(directory, title) else: output = title return output def seasoninfo(self, data): match = re.search(r'play_video-area-aside__sub-title">([^<]+)