# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import os progress_stream = sys.stderr def progress(byte, total, extra = ""): """ Print some info about how much we have downloaded """ ratio = float(byte) / total percent = round(ratio*100, 2) tlen = str(len(str(total))) fmt = "Downloaded %"+tlen+"dkB of %dkB bytes (% 3.2f%%)" progresstr = fmt % (byte >> 10, total >> 10, percent) columns = int(os.getenv("COLUMNS", "80")) if len(progresstr) < columns - 13: p = int((columns - len(progresstr) - 3) * ratio) q = int((columns - len(progresstr) - 3) * (1 - ratio)) progresstr = "[" + ("#" * p) + (" " * q) + "] " + progresstr progress_stream.write(progresstr + ' ' + extra + '\r') if byte >= total: progress_stream.write('\n') progress_stream.flush() def progressbar(total, pos, msg=""): """ Given a total and a progress position, output a progress bar to stderr. It is important to not output anything else while using this, as it relies soley on the behavior of carriage return (\\r). Can also take an optioal message to add after the progressbar. It must not contain newliens. The progress bar will look something like this: [099/500][=========...............................] ETA: 13:36:59 Of course, the ETA part should be supplied be the calling function. """ width = 50 # TODO hardcoded progressbar width rel_pos = int(float(pos)/total*width) bar = str() # FIXME ugly generation of bar for _ in range(0, rel_pos): bar += "=" for _ in range(rel_pos, width): bar += "." # Determine how many digits in total (base 10) digits_total = len(str(total)) fmt_width = "%0" + str(digits_total) + "d" fmt = "\r[" + fmt_width + "/" + fmt_width + "][%s] %s" progress_stream.write(fmt % (pos, total, bar, msg))