# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import os import re import copy import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta import binascii from urllib.parse import urljoin from svtplay_dl.utils.output import progressbar, progress_stream, ETA, output from svtplay_dl.error import UIException, ServiceError from svtplay_dl.fetcher import VideoRetriever from svtplay_dl.subtitle import subtitle class HLSException(UIException): def __init__(self, url, message): self.url = url super(HLSException, self).__init__(message) class LiveHLSException(HLSException): def __init__(self, url): super(LiveHLSException, self).__init__( url, "This is a live HLS stream, and they are not supported.") def _get_full_url(url, srcurl): if url[:4] == 'http': return url if url[0] == '/': baseurl = re.search(r'^(http[s]{0,1}://[^/]+)/', srcurl) return "{0}{1}".format(baseurl.group(1), url) # remove everything after last / in the path of the URL baseurl = re.sub(r'^([^\?]+)/[^/]*(\?.*)?$', r'\1/', srcurl) returl = urljoin(baseurl, url) return returl def hlsparse(config, res, url, **kwargs): streams = {} if not res: return None if res.status_code > 400: streams[0] = ServiceError("Can't read HLS playlist. {0}".format(res.status_code)) return streams m3u8 = M3U8(res.text) keycookie = kwargs.pop("keycookie", None) authorization = kwargs.pop("authorization", None) httpobject = kwargs.pop("httpobject", None) output = kwargs.pop("output", None) media = {} segments = None if m3u8.master_playlist: for i in m3u8.master_playlist: audio_url = None subtitle_url = None if i["TAG"] == "EXT-X-MEDIA": if "AUTOSELECT" in i and (i["AUTOSELECT"].upper() == "YES"): if i["TYPE"] and i["TYPE"] != "SUBTITLES": if "URI" in i: if segments is None: segments = True if i["GROUP-ID"] not in media: media[i["GROUP-ID"]] = [] media[i["GROUP-ID"]].append(i["URI"]) else: segments = False continue elif i["TAG"] == "EXT-X-STREAM-INF": bit_rate = float(i["BANDWIDTH"]) / 1000 if "AUDIO" in i and (i["AUDIO"] in media): audio_url = _get_full_url(media[i["AUDIO"]][0], url) if "SUBTITLES" in i and (i["SUBTITLES"] in media): subtitle_url = _get_full_url(media[i["SUBTITLES"]][0], url) urls = _get_full_url(i["URI"], url) else: continue # Needs to be changed to utilise other tags. if subtitle_url and httpobject: m3u8s = M3U8(httpobject.request("get", subtitle_url, cookies=res.cookies).text) streams[1] = subtitle(copy.copy(config), "wrst", _get_full_url(m3u8s.media_segment[0]["URI"], url)) streams[int(bit_rate)] = HLS(copy.copy(config), urls, bit_rate, cookies=res.cookies, keycookie=keycookie, authorization=authorization, audio=audio_url, output=output, segments=bool(segments), kwargs=kwargs) elif m3u8.media_segment: config.set("segments", False) streams[0] = HLS(copy.copy(config), url, 0, cookies=res.cookies, keycookie=keycookie, authorization=authorization, output=output, segments=False) else: streams[0] = ServiceError("Can't find HLS playlist in m3u8 file.") return streams class HLS(VideoRetriever): def name(self): return "hls" def download(self): if self.segments: if self.audio: self._download(self.audio, file_name=(copy.copy(self.output), "audio.ts")) self._download(self.url, file_name=(self.output, "ts")) else: self._download(self.url, file_name=(self.output, "ts")) def _download(self, url, file_name): cookies = self.kwargs.get("cookies", None) start_time = time.time() m3u8 = M3U8(self.http.request("get", url, cookies=cookies).text) key = None if m3u8.encrypted: from Crypto.Cipher import AES def random_iv(): try: from Crypto import Random return Random.new().read(AES.block_size) except ImportError: return os.urandom(16) file_d = output(file_name[0], self.config, file_name[1]) if file_d is None: return hls_time_stamp = self.kwargs.pop("hls_time_stamp", False) decryptor = None size_media = len(m3u8.media_segment) eta = ETA(size_media) total_duration = 0 duration = 0 max_duration = 0 for index, i in enumerate(m3u8.media_segment): if "duration" in i["EXTINF"]: duration = i["EXTINF"]["duration"] max_duration = max(max_duration, duration) total_duration += duration item = _get_full_url(i["URI"], url) if not self.config.get("silent"): if self.config.get("live"): progressbar(size_media, index + 1, ''.join(['DU: ', str(timedelta(seconds=int(total_duration)))])) else: eta.increment() progressbar(size_media, index + 1, ''.join(['ETA: ', str(eta)])) data = self.http.request("get", item, cookies=cookies) if data.status_code == 404: break data = data.content if m3u8.encrypted: headers = {} if self.keycookie: keycookies = self.keycookie else: keycookies = cookies if self.authorization: headers["authorization"] = self.authorization # Update key/decryptor if "EXT-X-KEY" in i: keyurl = _get_full_url(i["EXT-X-KEY"]["URI"], url) key = self.http.request("get", keyurl, cookies=keycookies, headers=headers).content iv = binascii.unhexlify(i["EXT-X-KEY"]["IV"][2:].zfill(32)) if "IV" in i["EXT-X-KEY"] else random_iv() decryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) if decryptor: data = decryptor.decrypt(data) else: raise ValueError("No decryptor found for encrypted hls steam.") file_d.write(data) if self.config.get("capture_time") > 0 and total_duration >= self.config.get("capture_time") * 60: break if (size_media == (index + 1)) and self.config.get("live"): sleep_int = (start_time + max_duration * 2) - time.time() if sleep_int > 0: time.sleep(sleep_int) size_media_old = size_media while size_media_old == size_media: start_time = time.time() if hls_time_stamp: end_time_stamp = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=max_duration * 2)).replace(microsecond=0) start_time_stamp = end_time_stamp - timedelta(minutes=1) base_url = url.split(".m3u8")[0] url = "{0}.m3u8?in={1}&out={2}?".format(base_url, start_time_stamp.isoformat(), end_time_stamp.isoformat()) new_m3u8 = M3U8(self.http.request("get", url, cookies=cookies).text) for n_m3u in new_m3u8.media_segment: if not any(d["URI"] == n_m3u["URI"] for d in m3u8.media_segment): m3u8.media_segment.append(n_m3u) size_media = len(m3u8.media_segment) if size_media_old == size_media: time.sleep(max_duration) file_d.close() if not self.config.get("silent"): progress_stream.write('\n') self.finished = True class M3U8(): # Created for hls version <=7 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8216 MEDIA_SEGMENT_TAGS = ("EXTINF", "EXT-X-BYTERANGE", "EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY", "EXT-X-KEY", "EXT-X-MAP", "EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME", "EXT-X-DATERANGE") MEDIA_PLAYLIST_TAGS = ("EXT-X-TARGETDURATION", "EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE", "EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE", "EXT-X-ENDLIST", "EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE", "EXT-X-I-FRAMES-ONLY") MASTER_PLAYLIST_TAGS = ("EXT-X-MEDIA", "EXT-X-STREAM-INF", "EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF", "EXT-X-SESSION-DATA", "EXT-X-SESSION-KEY") MEDIA_OR_MASTER_PLAYLIST_TAGS = ("EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS", "EXT-X-START") TAG_TYPES = {"MEDIA_SEGMENT": 0, "MEDIA_PLAYLIST": 1, "MASTER_PLAYLIST": 2} def __init__(self, data): self.version = None self.media_segment = [] self.media_playlist = {} self.master_playlist = [] self.encrypted = False self.independent_segments = False self.parse_m3u(data) def __str__(self): return "Version: {0}\nMedia Segment: {1}\nMedia Playlist: {2}\nMaster Playlist: {3}\nEncrypted: {4}\tIndependent_segments: {5}"\ .format(self.version, self.media_segment, self.media_playlist, self.master_playlist, self.encrypted, self.independent_segments) def parse_m3u(self, data): if not data.startswith("#EXTM3U"): raise ValueError("Does not appear to be an 'EXTM3U' file.") data = data.replace("\r\n", "\n") lines = data.split("\n")[1:] last_tag_type = None tag_type = None media_segment_info = {} for index, l in enumerate(lines): if not l: continue elif l.startswith("#EXT"): info = {} tag, attr = _get_tag_attribute(l) if tag == "EXT-X-VERSION": self.version = int(attr) # 4.3.2. Media Segment Tags elif tag in M3U8.MEDIA_SEGMENT_TAGS: tag_type = M3U8.TAG_TYPES["MEDIA_SEGMENT"] # EXTINF if tag == "EXTINF": if "," in attr: dur, title = attr.split(",", 1) else: dur = attr title = None info["duration"] = float(dur) info["title"] = title # EXT-X-BYTERANGE elif tag == "EXT-X-BYTERANGE": if "@" in attr: n, o = attr.split("@", 1) info["n"], info["o"] = (int(n), int(o)) else: info["n"] = int(attr) info["o"] = 0 # EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY elif tag == "EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY": pass # EXT-X-KEY elif tag == "EXT-X-KEY": self.encrypted = True info = _get_tuple_attribute(attr) # EXT-X-MAP elif tag == "EXT-X-MAP": info = _get_tuple_attribute(attr) # EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME" elif tag == "EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME": info = attr # EXT-X-DATERANGE elif tag == "EXT-X-DATERANGE": info = _get_tuple_attribute(attr) media_segment_info[tag] = info # 4.3.3. Media Playlist Tags elif tag in M3U8.MEDIA_PLAYLIST_TAGS: tag_type = M3U8.TAG_TYPES["MEDIA_PLAYLIST"] # EXT-X-TARGETDURATION if tag == "EXT-X-TARGETDURATION": info = int(attr) # EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE elif tag == "EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE": info = int(attr) # EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE elif tag == "EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE": info = int(attr) # EXT-X-ENDLIST elif tag == "EXT-X-ENDLIST": break # EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE elif tag == "EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE": info = attr # EXT-X-I-FRAMES-ONLY elif tag == "EXT-X-I-FRAMES-ONLY": pass self.media_playlist[tag] = info # 4.3.4. Master Playlist Tags elif tag in M3U8.MASTER_PLAYLIST_TAGS: tag_type = M3U8.TAG_TYPES["MASTER_PLAYLIST"] # EXT-X-MEDIA if tag == "EXT-X-MEDIA": info = _get_tuple_attribute(attr) # EXT-X-STREAM-INF elif tag == "EXT-X-STREAM-INF": info = _get_tuple_attribute(attr) if "BANDWIDTH" not in info: raise ValueError("Can't find 'BANDWIDTH' in 'EXT-X-STREAM-INF'") info["URI"] = lines[index + 1] # EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF elif tag == "EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF": info = _get_tuple_attribute(attr) # EXT-X-SESSION-DATA elif tag == "EXT-X-SESSION-DATA": info = _get_tuple_attribute(attr) # EXT-X-SESSION-KEY elif tag == "EXT-X-SESSION-KEY": self.encrypted = True info = _get_tuple_attribute(attr) info["TAG"] = tag self.master_playlist.append(info) # 4.3.5. Media or Master Playlist Tags elif tag in M3U8.MEDIA_OR_MASTER_PLAYLIST_TAGS: tag_type = M3U8.TAG_TYPES["MEDIA_PLAYLIST"] # EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS if tag == "EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS": self.independent_segments = True # EXT-X-START elif tag == "EXT-X-START": info = _get_tuple_attribute(attr) self.media_playlist[tag] = info # Unused tags else: pass # This is a comment elif l.startswith("#"): pass # This must be a url/uri else: tag_type = None if last_tag_type is M3U8.TAG_TYPES["MEDIA_SEGMENT"]: media_segment_info["URI"] = l self.media_segment.append(media_segment_info) media_segment_info = {} last_tag_type = tag_type if self.media_segment and self.master_playlist: raise ValueError("This 'M3U8' file contains data for both 'Media Segment' and 'Master Playlist'. This is not allowed.") def _get_tag_attribute(line): line = line[1:] try: search_line = re.search("^([A-Z\-]*):(.*)", line) return search_line.group(1), search_line.group(2) except Exception: return line, None def _get_tuple_attribute(attribute): attr_tuple = {} for art_l in re.split(''',(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', attribute): if art_l: name, value = art_l.split("=", 1) name = name.strip() # Checks for attribute name if not re.match("^[A-Z0-9\-]*$", name): raise ValueError("Not a valid attribute name.") # Remove extra quotes of string if value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'): value = value[1:-1] attr_tuple[name] = value return attr_tuple