# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from svtplay_dl.service import Service from svtplay_dl.fetcher.hls import hlsparse from svtplay_dl.error import ServiceError from svtplay_dl.utils.urllib import urlparse from svtplay_dl.utils import is_py2 class Solidtango(Service): supported_domains_re = [r'^([^.]+\.)*solidtango.com'] supported_domains = ['mm-resource-service.herokuapp.com', 'solidtango.com'] def get(self): data = self.get_urldata() if self.exclude(): yield ServiceError("Excluding video") return match = re.search('src="(http://mm-resource-service.herokuapp.com[^"]*)"', data) if match: data = self.http.request("get", match.group(1)).text match = re.search('src="(https://[^"]+solidtango[^"]+)" ', data) if match: data = self.http.request("get", match.group(1)).text match = re.search(r'(http[^<]+)', data) if match: data = self.http.request("get", match.group(1)).text match = re.search('is_livestream: true', data) if match: self.options.live = True match = re.search('isLivestream: true', data) if match: self.options.live = True match = re.search('html5_source: "([^"]+)"', data) match2 = re.search('hlsURI: "([^"]+)"', data) if match: streams = hlsparse(self.options, self.http.request("get", match.group(1)), match.group(1)) for n in list(streams.keys()): yield streams[n] elif match2: streams = hlsparse(self.options, self.http.request("get", match2.group(1)), match2.group(1)) for n in list(streams.keys()): yield streams[n] else: parse = urlparse(self.url) url2 = "https://{0}/api/v1/play/{1}.xml".format(parse.netloc, parse.path[parse.path.rfind("/") + 1:]) data = self.http.request("get", url2) if data.status_code != 200: yield ServiceError("Can't find video info. if there is a video on the page. its a bug.") return xmldoc = data.text if is_py2 and isinstance(xmldoc, unicode): xmldoc = xmldoc.encode("utf8") xml = ET.XML(xmldoc) elements = xml.findall(".//manifest") streams = hlsparse(self.options, self.http.request("get", elements[0].text), elements[0].text) for n in list(streams.keys()): yield streams[n]