mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 04:05:39 +01:00
they seems to switch from new to the old one now
390 lines
14 KiB
390 lines
14 KiB
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
import copy
import datetime
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import re
import time
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from svtplay_dl.error import ServiceError
from svtplay_dl.fetcher.dash import dashparse
from svtplay_dl.fetcher.hls import hlsparse
from svtplay_dl.service import MetadataThumbMixin
from svtplay_dl.service import Service
from svtplay_dl.subtitle import subtitle
from svtplay_dl.utils.text import filenamify
URL_VIDEO_API = "https://api.svt.se/video/"
"svtbarn": "ch-barnkanalen",
"svt1": "ch-svt1",
"svt2": "ch-svt2",
"svt24": "ch-svt24",
"kunskapskanalen": "ch-kunskapskanalen",
class Svtplay(Service, MetadataThumbMixin):
supported_domains = ["svtplay.se", "svt.se", "beta.svtplay.se", "svtflow.se"]
info_search_expr = r"<script id=\"__NEXT_DATA__\" type=\"application\/json\">({.+})<\/script>"
access = None
def get(self):
parse = urlparse(self.url)
if parse.netloc in ("www.svtplay.se", "svtplay.se"):
if parse.path[:6] != "/video" and parse.path[:6] != "/klipp" and parse.path[:8] != "/kanaler":
yield ServiceError("This mode is not supported anymore. Need the url with the video.")
query = parse_qs(parse.query)
if "accessService" in query:
self.access = query["accessService"]
urldata = self.get_urldata()
if parse.path[:8] == "/kanaler":
ch = LIVE_CHANNELS[parse.path[parse.path.rfind("/") + 1 :]]
_url = urljoin(URL_VIDEO_API, ch)
res = self.http.get(_url)
janson = res.json()
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
yield ServiceError(f"Can't decode api request: {res.request.url}")
videos = self._get_video(janson)
self.config.set("live", True)
yield from videos
match = re.search(self.info_search_expr, urldata)
if not match:
yield ServiceError("Can't find video info.")
janson = json.loads(match.group(1))
video_data = None
vid = None
for data_entry in janson["props"]["urqlState"].values():
if "data" in data_entry:
entry = json.loads(data_entry["data"])
for key, data in entry.items():
if key == "detailsPageByPath" and data and "moreDetails" in data:
video_data = data
vid = data["video"]["svtId"]
if not vid:
yield ServiceError("Can't find video id")
res = self.http.get(URL_VIDEO_API + vid)
janson = res.json()
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
yield ServiceError(f"Can't decode api request: {res.request.url}")
if res.status_code >= 400:
yield ServiceError("Can't find any videos. Is it removed?")
videos = self._get_video(janson)
yield from videos
def _get_video(self, janson):
if "subtitleReferences" in janson:
for i in janson["subtitleReferences"]:
if (i["format"] == "VTT" or i["format"] == "webvtt") and "url" in i:
yield subtitle(copy.copy(self.config), "wrst", i["url"], "sv", output=self.output)
if "videoReferences" in janson:
if len(janson["videoReferences"]) == 0:
yield ServiceError("Media doesn't have any associated videos.")
for i in janson["videoReferences"]:
if i["format"] == "hls-cmaf-full":
if i["url"].find(".m3u8") > 0:
yield from hlsparse(self.config, self.http.request("get", i["url"]), i["url"], output=self.output)
elif i["url"].find(".mpd") > 0:
yield from dashparse(self.config, self.http.request("get", i["url"]), i["url"], output=self.output)
def _last_chance(self):
videos = []
match = re.search(self.info_search_expr, self.get_urldata())
if not match:
logging.error("Can't find video info.")
return videos
janson = json.loads(match.group(1))
video_data = None
for data_entry in janson["props"]["urqlState"].values():
entry = json.loads(data_entry["data"])
for key, data in entry.items():
if key == "startForSvtPlay":
video_data = data
if not video_data:
return videos
for section in video_data["selections"]:
for i in section["items"]:
videos.append(urljoin("http://www.svtplay.se", i["item"]["urls"]["svtplay"]))
return videos
def _genre(self):
videos = []
episodes = []
singles = []
parse = urlparse(self.url)
url = f"https://www.svtplay.se{parse.path}?tab=all"
data = self.http.get(url).text
match = re.search(self.info_search_expr, data)
if not match:
logging.error("Can't find video info.")
return episodes
janson = json.loads(match.group(1))
video_data = None
for data_entry in janson["props"]["urqlState"].values():
entry = json.loads(data_entry["data"])
for key, data in entry.items():
if key == "categoryPage":
if "lazyLoadedTabs" in data:
video_data = data["lazyLoadedTabs"]
if not video_data:
return episodes
for lazytab in video_data:
if "selections" in lazytab:
for section in lazytab["selections"]:
for i in section["items"]:
if i["item"]["__typename"] == "Single":
singles.append(urljoin("http://www.svtplay.se", i["item"]["urls"]["svtplay"]))
videos.append(urljoin("http://www.svtplay.se", i["item"]["urls"]["svtplay"]))
for i in videos:
if singles:
return episodes
def _all_episodes(self, url):
parse = urlparse(url)
tab = None
videos = []
if parse.query:
query = parse_qs(parse.query)
if "tab" in query:
tab = query["tab"][0]
data = self.http.get(url).text
match = re.search(self.info_search_expr, data)
if not match:
logging.error("Can't find video info.")
return videos
janson = json.loads(match.group(1))
video_data = None
for data_entry in janson["props"]["urqlState"].values():
if "data" in data_entry:
entry = json.loads(data_entry["data"])
# logging.info(json.dumps(entry))
for key, data in entry.items():
if key == "detailsPageByPath" and data and "heading" in data:
video_data = data
collections = []
if video_data is None:
return videos
if video_data["item"]["parent"]["__typename"] == "Single":
videos.append(urljoin("http://www.svtplay.se", video_data["item"]["urls"]["svtplay"]))
for i in video_data["associatedContent"]:
if tab:
if tab == i["id"]:
if i["id"] == "upcoming" or i["id"] == "related":
elif self.config.get("include_clips") and "clips" in i["id"]:
elif "clips" not in i["id"]:
for i in collections:
for epi in i["items"]:
if epi["item"]["urls"]["svtplay"] not in videos:
videos.append(urljoin("http://www.svtplay.se", epi["item"]["urls"]["svtplay"]))
return videos
def find_all_episodes(self, config):
parse = urlparse(self._url)
episodes = []
if re.search("^/sista-chansen", parse.path):
episodes = self._last_chance()
elif re.search("^/genre", parse.path):
episodes = self._genre()
episodes = self._all_episodes(self.url)
if not episodes:
logging.error("Can't find any videos.")
if config.get("all_last") > 0:
return episodes[-config.get("all_last") :]
return episodes
def outputfilename(self, data):
name = None
desc = None
name = data["moreDetails"]["heading"]
other = data["moreDetails"]["episodeHeading"]
vid = hashlib.sha256(data["video"]["svtId"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:7]
if name == other:
other = None
elif name is None:
name = other
other = None
elif other is None:
if name != data["moreDetails"]["titleHeading"]:
other = data["moreDetails"]["titleHeading"]
season, episode = self.seasoninfo(data)
if "accessibility" in data:
if data["accessibility"] == "AudioDescribed":
desc = "syntolkat"
if data["accessibility"] == "SignInterpreted":
desc = "teckentolkat"
if not other:
other = desc
elif desc:
other += f"-{desc}"
self.output["title"] = filenamify(name)
self.output["id"] = vid
self.output["season"] = season
self.output["episode"] = episode
self.output["episodename"] = other
def seasoninfo(self, data):
season, episode = None, None
season_nr = self._find_season(data)
episode_nr = self._find_episode(data)
if season_nr is None or episode_nr is None:
return season, episode
season = f"{int(season_nr):02d}"
episode = f"{int(episode_nr):02d}"
return season, episode
def _find_season(self, data):
match = re.search(r"/säsong (\d+)/", data["analyticsIdentifiers"]["viewId"])
if match:
return match.group(1)
match = re.search(r"-sasong-(\d+)-", data["item"]["urls"]["svtplay"])
if match:
return match.group(1)
vid = data["video"]["svtId"]
for seasons in data["associatedContent"]:
for i in seasons["items"]:
if i["item"]["videoSvtId"] == vid and "positionInSeason" in i["item"]:
match = re.search(r"S.song (\d+)", i["item"]["positionInSeason"])
if match:
return match.group(1)
return None
def _find_episode(self, data):
match = re.search(r"/avsnitt (\d+)", data["analyticsIdentifiers"]["viewId"])
if match:
return match.group(1)
match = re.search(r"Avsnitt (\d+)", data["item"]["name"])
if match:
return match.group(1)
vid = data["video"]["svtId"]
for seasons in data["associatedContent"]:
for i in seasons["items"]:
if i["item"]["videoSvtId"] == vid and "positionInSeason" in i["item"]:
match = re.search(r"Avsnitt (\d+)", i["item"]["positionInSeason"])
if match:
return match.group(1)
if "description" in data:
match = re.search(r"Del (\d+) av (\d+)", data["description"])
if match:
return match.group(1)
return None
def extrametadata(self, episode):
self.output["tvshow"] = self.output["season"] is not None and self.output["episode"] is not None
if "validFrom" in episode["item"]:
def _fix_broken_timezone_implementation(value):
# cx_freeze cant include .zip file for dateutil and < py37 have issues with timezones with : in it
if "+" in value and ":" == value[-3:-2]:
value = value[:-3] + value[-2:]
return value
validfrom = episode["item"]["validFrom"]
if "+" in validfrom:
date = time.mktime(
_fix_broken_timezone_implementation(episode["item"]["validFrom"].replace("Z", "")),
date = time.mktime(
_fix_broken_timezone_implementation(episode["item"]["validFrom"].replace("Z", "")),
self.output["publishing_datetime"] = int(date)
self.output["title_nice"] = episode["moreDetails"]["heading"]
t = episode["item"]["parent"]["image"]["wide"]
except KeyError:
t = ""
if isinstance(t, dict):
url = f"https://www.svtstatic.se/image/original/default/{t['id']}/{t['changed']}?format=auto&quality=100"
self.output["showthumbnailurl"] = url
elif t:
# Get the image if size/format is not specified in the URL set it to large
url = t.format(format="large")
self.output["showthumbnailurl"] = url
t = episode["images"]["wide"]
except KeyError:
t = ""
if isinstance(t, dict):
url = f"https://www.svtstatic.se/image/original/default/{t['id']}/{t['changed']}?format=auto&quality=100"
self.output["episodethumbnailurl"] = url
elif t:
# Get the image if size/format is not specified in the URL set it to large
url = t.format(format="large")
self.output["episodethumbnailurl"] = url
if "longDescription" in episode["item"]["parent"]:
self.output["showdescription"] = episode["item"]["parent"]["longDescription"]
if "description" in episode:
self.output["episodedescription"] = episode["description"]