mirror of
synced 2024-11-28 06:04:17 +01:00
49 lines
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49 lines
2.0 KiB
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
import json
import copy
from svtplay_dl.service import Service, OpenGraphThumbMixin
from svtplay_dl.utils import get_http_data, HTTPError
from svtplay_dl.fetcher.rtmp import RTMP
from svtplay_dl.fetcher.hds import HDS, hdsparse
from svtplay_dl.log import log
class Picsearch(Service, OpenGraphThumbMixin):
supported_domains = ['dn.se', 'mobil.dn.se']
def get(self, options):
ajax_auth = re.search(r"picsearch_ajax_auth = '(\w+)'", self.get_urldata())
except HTTPError:
log.error("Can't get the page.")
if not ajax_auth:
log.error("Cant find token for video")
mediaid = re.search(r"mediaId = '([^']+)';", self.get_urldata())
if not mediaid:
mediaid = re.search(r'media-id="([^"]+)"', self.get_urldata())
if not mediaid:
log.error("Cant find media id")
jsondata = get_http_data("http://csp.picsearch.com/rest?jsonp=&eventParam=1&auth=%s&method=embed&mediaid=%s" % (ajax_auth.group(1), mediaid.group(1)))
jsondata = json.loads(jsondata)
playlist = jsondata["media"]["playerconfig"]["playlist"][1]
if "bitrates" in playlist:
files = playlist["bitrates"]
server = jsondata["media"]["playerconfig"]["plugins"]["bwcheck"]["netConnectionUrl"]
for i in files:
options.other = "-y '%s'" % i["url"]
yield RTMP(copy.copy(options), server, i["height"])
if "provider" in playlist:
options.live = playlist["live"]
if playlist["url"].endswith(".f4m"):
streams = hdsparse(copy.copy(options), playlist["url"])
if streams:
for n in list(streams.keys()):
yield streams[n]