mirror of https://github.com/spaam/svtplay-dl.git synced 2024-12-02 16:14:15 +01:00
2019-09-06 22:49:49 +02:00

388 lines
13 KiB

import json
import logging
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from io import StringIO
from requests import __build__ as requests_version
from svtplay_dl.utils.http import get_full_url
from svtplay_dl.utils.http import HTTP
from svtplay_dl.utils.output import output
from svtplay_dl.utils.text import decode_html_entities
class subtitle:
def __init__(self, config, subtype, url, subfix=None, **kwargs):
self.url = url
self.subtitle = None
self.config = config
self.subtype = subtype
self.http = HTTP(config)
self.subfix = subfix
self.bom = False
self.output = kwargs.pop("output", None)
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __repr__(self):
return "<Subtitle(type={}, url={}>".format(self.subtype, self.url)
def download(self):
subdata = self.http.request("get", self.url)
if subdata.status_code != 200:
logging.warning("Can't download subtitle file")
data = None
if "mtgx" in self.url and subdata.content[:3] == b"\xef\xbb\xbf":
subdata.encoding = "utf-8"
self.bom = True
if self.subtype == "tt":
data = self.tt(subdata)
if self.subtype == "json":
data = self.json(subdata)
if self.subtype == "sami":
data = self.sami(subdata)
if self.subtype == "smi":
data = self.smi(subdata)
if self.subtype == "wrst":
if "tv4play" in self.url and subdata.content[:3] == b"\xef\xbb\xbf":
self.bom = True
subdata.encoding = subdata.apparent_encoding
data = self.wrst(subdata)
if self.subtype == "wrstsegment":
data = self.wrstsegment(subdata)
if self.subtype == "raw":
data = self.raw(subdata)
if self.subfix:
if self.config.get("get_all_subtitles"):
if self.output["episodename"]:
self.output["episodename"] = "{}-{}".format(self.output["episodename"], self.subfix)
self.output["episodename"] = self.subfix
if self.config.get("get_raw_subtitles"):
subdata = self.raw(subdata)
self.save_file(subdata, self.subtype)
self.save_file(data, "srt")
def save_file(self, data, subtype):
file_d = output(self.output, self.config, subtype, mode="w", encoding="utf-8")
if hasattr(file_d, "read") is False:
def raw(self, subdata):
return subdata.text
def tt(self, subdata):
i = 1
data = ""
subs = subdata.text
subdata = re.sub(' xmlns="[^"]+"', "", subs, count=1)
tree = ET.XML(subdata)
xml = tree.find("body").find("div")
plist = list(xml.findall("p"))
for node in plist:
tag = norm(node.tag)
if tag == "p" or tag == "span":
begin = node.attrib["begin"]
if not ("dur" in node.attrib):
duration = node.attrib["duration"]
duration = node.attrib["dur"]
if not ("end" in node.attrib):
begin2 = begin.split(":")
duration2 = duration.split(":")
sec = float(begin2[2]) + float(duration2[2])
except ValueError:
sec = 0.000
end = "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (int(begin2[0]), int(begin2[1]), sec)
end = node.attrib["end"]
data += "{}\n{} --> {}\n".format(i, begin.replace(".", ","), end.replace(".", ","))
data = tt_text(node, data)
data += "\n"
i += 1
return data
def json(self, subdata):
data = json.loads(subdata.text)
number = 1
subs = ""
for i in data:
subs += "{}\n{} --> {}\n".format(number, timestr(int(i["startMillis"])), timestr(int(i["endMillis"])))
subs += "%s\n\n" % i["text"]
number += 1
return subs
def sami(self, subdata):
text = subdata.text
text = re.sub(r"&", "&amp;", text)
tree = ET.fromstring(text)
allsubs = tree.findall(".//Subtitle")
subs = ""
increase = 0
for sub in allsubs:
number = int(sub.attrib["SpotNumber"])
except ValueError:
number = int(re.search(r"(\d+)", sub.attrib["SpotNumber"]).group(1))
increase += 1
n = number + increase
texts = sub.findall(".//Text")
all = ""
for text in texts:
line = ""
for txt in text.itertext():
line += "{}".format(txt)
all += "{}\n".format(decode_html_entities(line.lstrip()))
subs += "{}\n{} --> {}\n{}\n".format(n, timecolon(sub.attrib["TimeIn"]), timecolon(sub.attrib["TimeOut"]), all)
subs = re.sub("&amp;", r"&", subs)
return subs
def smi(self, subdata):
if requests_version < 0x20300:
subdata = subdata.content.decode("latin")
subdata.encoding = "ISO-8859-1"
subdata = subdata.text
ssubdata = StringIO(subdata)
timea = 0
number = 1
data = None
subs = ""
TAG_RE = re.compile(r"<(?!\/?i).*?>")
bad_char = re.compile(r"\x96")
for i in ssubdata.readlines():
i = i.rstrip()
sync = re.search(r"<SYNC Start=(\d+)>", i)
if sync:
if int(sync.group(1)) != int(timea):
if data and data != "&nbsp;":
subs += "{}\n{} --> {}\n".format(number, timestr(timea), timestr(sync.group(1)))
text = "%s\n" % TAG_RE.sub("", data.replace("<br>", "\n"))
text = decode_html_entities(text)
if text[len(text) - 2] != "\n":
text += "\n"
subs += text
number += 1
timea = sync.group(1)
text = re.search("<P Class=SVCC>(.*)", i)
if text:
data = text.group(1)
recomp = re.compile(r"\r")
text = bad_char.sub("-", recomp.sub("", subs))
return text
def wrst(self, subdata):
ssubdata = StringIO(subdata.text)
srt = ""
subtract = False
number_b = 1
number = 0
block = 0
subnr = False
for i in ssubdata.readlines():
match = re.search(r"^[\r\n]+", i)
match2 = re.search(r"([\d:\.]+ --> [\d:\.]+)", i)
match3 = re.search(r"^(\d+)\s", i)
if i[:6] == "WEBVTT":
elif "X-TIMESTAMP" in i:
elif match and number_b == 1 and self.bom:
elif match and number_b > 1:
block = 0
srt += "\n"
elif match2:
if not subnr:
srt += "%s\n" % number_b
matchx = re.search(r"(?P<h1>\d+):(?P<m1>\d+):(?P<s1>[\d\.]+) --> (?P<h2>\d+):(?P<m2>\d+):(?P<s2>[\d\.]+)", i)
if matchx:
hour1 = int(matchx.group("h1"))
hour2 = int(matchx.group("h2"))
if int(number) == 1:
if hour1 > 9:
subtract = True
if subtract:
hour1 -= 10
hour2 -= 10
matchx = re.search(r"(?P<m1>\d+):(?P<s1>[\d\.]+) --> (?P<m2>\d+):(?P<s2>[\d\.]+)", i)
hour1 = 0
hour2 = 0
time = "{:02d}:{}:{} --> {:02d}:{}:{}\n".format(
hour1, matchx.group("m1"), matchx.group("s1").replace(".", ","), hour2, matchx.group("m2"), matchx.group("s2").replace(".", ",")
srt += time
block = 1
subnr = False
number_b += 1
elif match3 and block == 0:
number = match3.group(1)
srt += "%s\n" % number
subnr = True
if self.config.get("convert_subtitle_colors"):
colors = {
"30": "#000000",
"31": "#ff0000",
"32": "#00ff00",
"33": "#ffff00",
"34": "#0000ff",
"35": "#ff00ff",
"36": "#00ffff",
"37": "#ffffff",
"c.black": "#000000",
"c.red": "#ff0000",
"c.green": "#00ff00",
"c.yellow": "#ffff00",
"c.blue": "#0000ff",
"c.magneta": "#ff00ff",
"c.cyan": "#00ffff",
"c.gray": "#ffffff",
sub = i
for tag, color in colors.items():
regex1 = "<" + tag + ">"
replace = '<font color="' + color + '">'
sub = re.sub(regex1, replace, sub)
sub = re.sub("</.+>", "</font>", sub)
sub = re.sub("<[^>]*>", "", i)
srt += sub.strip()
srt += "\n"
srt = decode_html_entities(srt)
return srt
def wrstsegment(self, subdata):
time = 0
subs = []
for i in self.kwargs["m3u8"].media_segment:
itemurl = get_full_url(i["URI"], self.url)
cont = self.http.get(itemurl)
if "cmore" in self.url:
cont.encoding = "utf-8"
text = cont.text.split("\n")
for t in text: # is in text[1] for tv4play, but this should be more future proof
time = float(re.search(r"X-TIMESTAMP-MAP=MPEGTS:(\d+)", t).group(1)) / 90000 - 10
text = text[3 : len(text) - 2]
itmes = []
if len(text) > 1:
for n in text:
if n: # don't get the empty lines.
several_items = False
skip = False
sub = []
for x in range(len(itmes)):
item = itmes[x]
if strdate(item) and len(subs) > 0 and itmes[x + 1] == subs[-1][1]:
ha = strdate(subs[-1][0])
ha3 = strdate(item)
second = str2sec(ha3.group(2)) + time
subs[-1][0] = "{} --> {}".format(ha.group(1), sec2str(second))
skip = True
has_date = strdate(item)
if has_date:
if several_items:
sub = []
skip = False
first = str2sec(has_date.group(1)) + time
second = str2sec(has_date.group(2)) + time
sub.append("{} --> {}".format(sec2str(first), sec2str(second)))
several_items = True
elif has_date is None and skip is False:
if sub:
string = ""
nr = 1
for sub in subs:
string += "{}\n{}\n\n".format(nr, "\n".join(sub))
nr += 1
return string
def timestr(msec):
Convert a millisecond value to a string of the following
with 10 millisecond precision. Note the , seperator in
the seconds.
sec = float(msec) / 1000
hours = int(sec / 3600)
sec -= hours * 3600
minutes = int(sec / 60)
sec -= minutes * 60
output = "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (hours, minutes, sec)
return output.replace(".", ",")
def timecolon(data):
match = re.search(r"(\d+:\d+:\d+):(\d+)", data)
return "{},{}".format(match.group(1), match.group(2))
def norm(name):
if name[0] == "{":
_, tag = name[1:].split("}")
return tag
return name
def tt_text(node, data):
if node.text:
data += "%s\n" % node.text.strip(" \t\n\r")
for i in node:
if i.text:
data += "%s\n" % i.text.strip(" \t\n\r")
if i.tail:
text = i.tail.strip(" \t\n\r")
if text:
data += "%s\n" % text
return data
def strdate(datestring):
match = re.search(r"^(\d+:\d+:[\.0-9]+) --> (\d+:\d+:[\.0-9]+)", datestring)
return match
def sec2str(seconds):
m, s = divmod(seconds, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:06.3f}".format(int(h), int(m), s)
def str2sec(string):
return sum(x * float(t) for x, t in zip([3600, 60, 1], string.split(":")))