mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 12:15:40 +01:00
150 lines
6.8 KiB
150 lines
6.8 KiB
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import re
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from svtplay_dl.service import Service, OpenGraphThumbMixin
from svtplay_dl.fetcher.hls import hlsparse
from svtplay_dl.error import ServiceError
class Tv4play(Service, OpenGraphThumbMixin):
supported_domains = ['tv4play.se']
def get(self):
parse = urlparse(self.url)
if parse.path[:8] == "/kanaler":
end_time_stamp = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=20)).replace(microsecond=0)
start_time_stamp = end_time_stamp - timedelta(minutes=1)
url = "https://bbr-l2v.akamaized.net/live/{0}/master.m3u8?in={1}&out={2}?".format(parse.path[9:],
self.config.set("live", True)
streams = hlsparse(self.config, self.http.request("get", url), url, output=self.output, hls_time_stamp=True)
for n in list(streams.keys()):
yield streams[n]
match = self._getjson()
if not match:
yield ServiceError("Can't find json data")
jansson = json.loads(match.group(1))
vid = None
for i in jansson:
janson2 = json.loads(i["data"])
if "videoAsset" in janson2["data"]:
vid = janson2["data"]["videoAsset"]["id"]
if janson2["data"]["videoAsset"]["is_drm_protected"]:
yield ServiceError("We can't download DRM protected content from this site.")
if janson2["data"]["videoAsset"]["is_live"]:
self.config.set("live", True)
if janson2["data"]["videoAsset"]["season"] > 0:
self.output["season"] = janson2["data"]["videoAsset"]["season"]
if janson2["data"]["videoAsset"]["episode"] > 0:
self.output["episode"] = janson2["data"]["videoAsset"]["episode"]
self.output["title"] = janson2["data"]["videoAsset"]["program"]["name"]
self.output["episodename"] = janson2["data"]["videoAsset"]["title"]
vid = str(vid)
self.output["id"] = str(vid)
if "program" in janson2["data"] and vid is None:
if "contentfulPanels" in janson2["data"]["program"]:
match = re.search(r"[\/-](\d+)$", self.url)
if match and "panels" in janson2["data"]["program"]:
for n in janson2["data"]["program"]["panels"]:
for z in n["videoList"]["videoAssets"]:
if z["id"] == int(match.group(1)):
vid = z["id"]
self.output["id"] = str(vid)
self.output["episodename"] = z["title"]
self.output["title"] = z["program"]["name"]
if vid is None:
yield ServiceError("Cant find video id for the video")
url = "https://playback-api.b17g.net/media/{}?service=tv4&device=browser&protocol=hls%2Cdash&drm=widevine".format(vid)
res = self.http.request("get", url, cookies=self.cookies)
if res.status_code > 200:
yield ServiceError("Can't play this because the video is geoblocked or not available.")
if res.json()["playbackItem"]["type"] == "hls":
streams = hlsparse(self.config, self.http.request("get", res.json()["playbackItem"]["manifestUrl"]),
res.json()["playbackItem"]["manifestUrl"], output=self.output, httpobject=self.http)
for n in list(streams.keys()):
yield streams[n]
def _getjson(self):
match = re.search(r".prefetched = (\[.*\]);", self.get_urldata())
return match
def find_all_episodes(self, config):
episodes = []
items = []
show = None
match = self._getjson()
jansson = json.loads(match.group(1))
for i in jansson:
janson2 = json.loads(i["data"])
if "program" in janson2["data"]:
if "programPanels" in janson2["data"]["program"]:
for n in janson2["data"]["program"]["programPanels"]["panels"]:
if n.get("assetType", None) == "EPISODE":
for z in n["videoList"]["videoAssets"]:
show = z["program_nid"]
if n.get("assetType", None) == "CLIP" and config.get("include_clips"):
for z in n["videoList"]["videoAssets"]:
show = z["program_nid"]
items = sorted(items)
for item in items:
episodes.append("https://www.tv4play.se/program/{}/{}".format(show, item))
if config.get("all_last") > 0:
return episodes[-config.get("all_last"):]
return episodes
class Tv4(Service, OpenGraphThumbMixin):
supported_domains = ['tv4.se']
def get(self):
match = re.search(r"[\/-](\d+)$", self.url)
if not match:
yield ServiceError("Cant find video id")
self.output["id"] = match.group(1)
match = re.search("data-program-format='([^']+)'", self.get_urldata())
if not match:
yield ServiceError("Cant find program name")
self.output["title"] = match.group(1)
match = re.search('img alt="([^"]+)" class="video-image responsive"', self.get_urldata())
if not match:
yield ServiceError("Cant find title of the video")
self.output["episodename"] = match.group(1)
url = "https://playback-api.b17g.net/media/{}?service=tv4&device=browser&protocol=hls%2Cdash&drm=widevine".format(self.output["id"])
res = self.http.request("get", url, cookies=self.cookies)
if res.status_code > 200:
yield ServiceError("Can't play this because the video is geoblocked.")
if res.json()["playbackItem"]["type"] == "hls":
streams = hlsparse(self.config, self.http.request("get", res.json()["playbackItem"]["manifestUrl"]),
res.json()["playbackItem"]["manifestUrl"], output=self.output)
for n in list(streams.keys()):
yield streams[n]