# Also see "include/mbedtls/config.h" CFLAGS ?= -O2 WARNING_CFLAGS ?= -Wall -Wextra LDFLAGS ?= CRYPTO_INCLUDES ?= -I../include LOCAL_CFLAGS = $(WARNING_CFLAGS) $(CRYPTO_INCLUDES) -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 LOCAL_LDFLAGS = ifdef DEBUG LOCAL_CFLAGS += -g3 endif # MicroBlaze specific options: # CFLAGS += -mno-xl-soft-mul -mxl-barrel-shift # To compile on Plan9: # CFLAGS += -D_BSD_EXTENSION # Include directories for Everest code LOCAL_CFLAGS+=-I../3rdparty/everest/include -I../3rdparty/everest/include/everest -I../3rdparty/everest/include/everest/kremlib # if were running on Windows build for Windows ifdef WINDOWS WINDOWS_BUILD=1 else ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Darwin) ifeq ($(AR),ar) APPLE_BUILD ?= 1 endif endif # To compile as a shared library: ifdef SHARED # all code is position-indep with mingw, avoid warning about useless flag ifndef WINDOWS_BUILD LOCAL_CFLAGS += -fPIC -fpic endif endif SOEXT_CRYPTO=so.3 # Set AR_DASH= (empty string) to use an ar implementation that does not accept # the - prefix for command line options (e.g. llvm-ar) AR_DASH ?= - ARFLAGS = $(AR_DASH)src ifdef APPLE_BUILD ifneq ($(APPLE_BUILD),0) ARFLAGS = $(AR_DASH)Src RLFLAGS = -no_warning_for_no_symbols -c RL ?= ranlib endif endif DLEXT ?= so ifdef WINDOWS_BUILD # Windows shared library extension: DLEXT = dll else ifdef APPLE_BUILD ifneq ($(APPLE_BUILD),0) # Mac OS X shared library extension: DLEXT = dylib endif endif OBJS_CRYPTO= aes.o aesni.o arc4.o \ aria.o asn1parse.o asn1write.o \ base64.o bignum.o blowfish.o \ camellia.o ccm.o chacha20.o \ chachapoly.o cipher.o cipher_wrap.o \ cmac.o ctr_drbg.o des.o \ dhm.o ecdh.o ecdsa.o \ ecjpake.o ecp.o \ ecp_curves.o entropy.o entropy_poll.o \ gcm.o havege.o \ hkdf.o \ hmac_drbg.o md.o md2.o \ md4.o md5.o md_wrap.o \ memory_buffer_alloc.o nist_kw.o \ oid.o padlock.o pem.o \ pk.o pk_wrap.o pkcs12.o \ pkcs5.o pkparse.o pkwrite.o \ platform.o platform_util.o poly1305.o \ psa_crypto.o psa_crypto_se.o \ psa_crypto_slot_management.o \ psa_crypto_storage.o \ psa_its_file.o \ ripemd160.o rsa_internal.o rsa.o \ sha1.o sha256.o sha512.o \ threading.o timing.o \ xtea.o # For files generated by the parent project (Mbed TLS) when building Mbed # Crypto as a submodule, ensure that the parent project instance is used. ifeq ($(USE_CRYPTO_SUBMODULE), 1) OBJS_CRYPTO += $(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(realpath ../../library/error.c)) OBJS_CRYPTO += $(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(realpath ../../library/version.c)) OBJS_CRYPTO += $(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(realpath ../../library/version_features.c)) else OBJS_CRYPTO += error.o OBJS_CRYPTO += version.o OBJS_CRYPTO += version_features.o endif OBJS_CRYPTO+= \ ../3rdparty/everest/library/everest.o \ ../3rdparty/everest/library/Hacl_Curve25519.o \ ../3rdparty/everest/library/x25519.o \ ../3rdparty/everest/library/kremlib/FStar_UInt64_FStar_UInt32_FStar_UInt16_FStar_UInt8.o .SILENT: .PHONY: all static shared clean ifndef SHARED all: static else all: shared static endif static: libmbedcrypto.a shared: libmbedcrypto.$(DLEXT) # crypto libmbedcrypto.a: $(OBJS_CRYPTO) echo " AR $@" $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJS_CRYPTO) ifdef APPLE_BUILD ifneq ($(APPLE_BUILD),0) echo " RL $@" $(RL) $(RLFLAGS) $@ endif endif libmbedcrypto.$(SOEXT_CRYPTO): $(OBJS_CRYPTO) echo " LD $@" $(CC) -shared -Wl,-soname,$@ $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS_CRYPTO) libmbedcrypto.so: libmbedcrypto.$(SOEXT_CRYPTO) echo " LN $@ -> $<" ln -sf $< $@ libmbedcrypto.dylib: $(OBJS_CRYPTO) echo " LD $@" $(CC) -dynamiclib $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS_CRYPTO) libmbedcrypto.dll: $(OBJS_CRYPTO) echo " LD $@" $(CC) -shared -Wl,-soname,$@ -Wl,--out-implib,$@.a -o $@ $(OBJS_CRYPTO) -lws2_32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -static-libgcc $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) .c.o: echo " CC $<" $(CC) $(LOCAL_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ clean: ifndef WINDOWS rm -f *.o libmbed* $(OBJS_CRYPTO) else if exist *.o del /Q /F *.o if exist libmbed* del /Q /F libmbed* if exist $(OBJS_CRYPTO) del /Q /F $(OBJS_CRYPTO) endif