/* Copyright (c) INRIA and Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. */ /******************************************************************************/ /* Machine integers (128-bit arithmetic) */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This header makes KreMLin-generated C code work with: * - the default setting where we assume the target compiler defines __int128 * - the setting where we use FStar.UInt128's implementation instead; in that * case, generated C files must be compiled with -DKRML_VERIFIED_UINT128 * - a refinement of the case above, wherein all structures are passed by * reference, a.k.a. "-fnostruct-passing", meaning that the KreMLin-generated * must be compiled with -DKRML_NOSTRUCT_PASSING * Note: no MSVC support in this file. */ #include "FStar_UInt128.h" #include "kremlin/c_endianness.h" #include "FStar_UInt64_FStar_UInt32_FStar_UInt16_FStar_UInt8.h" #if !defined(KRML_VERIFIED_UINT128) && !defined(_MSC_VER) /* GCC + using native unsigned __int128 support */ uint128_t load128_le(uint8_t *b) { uint128_t l = (uint128_t)load64_le(b); uint128_t h = (uint128_t)load64_le(b + 8); return (h << 64 | l); } void store128_le(uint8_t *b, uint128_t n) { store64_le(b, (uint64_t)n); store64_le(b + 8, (uint64_t)(n >> 64)); } uint128_t load128_be(uint8_t *b) { uint128_t h = (uint128_t)load64_be(b); uint128_t l = (uint128_t)load64_be(b + 8); return (h << 64 | l); } void store128_be(uint8_t *b, uint128_t n) { store64_be(b, (uint64_t)(n >> 64)); store64_be(b + 8, (uint64_t)n); } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_add(uint128_t x, uint128_t y) { return x + y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_mul(uint128_t x, uint128_t y) { return x * y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_add_mod(uint128_t x, uint128_t y) { return x + y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_sub(uint128_t x, uint128_t y) { return x - y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_sub_mod(uint128_t x, uint128_t y) { return x - y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_logand(uint128_t x, uint128_t y) { return x & y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_logor(uint128_t x, uint128_t y) { return x | y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_logxor(uint128_t x, uint128_t y) { return x ^ y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_lognot(uint128_t x) { return ~x; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_shift_left(uint128_t x, uint32_t y) { return x << y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_shift_right(uint128_t x, uint32_t y) { return x >> y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_uint64_to_uint128(uint64_t x) { return (uint128_t)x; } uint64_t FStar_UInt128_uint128_to_uint64(uint128_t x) { return (uint64_t)x; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_mul_wide(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) { return ((uint128_t) x) * y; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_eq_mask(uint128_t x, uint128_t y) { uint64_t mask = FStar_UInt64_eq_mask((uint64_t)(x >> 64), (uint64_t)(y >> 64)) & FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(x, y); return ((uint128_t)mask) << 64 | mask; } uint128_t FStar_UInt128_gte_mask(uint128_t x, uint128_t y) { uint64_t mask = (FStar_UInt64_gte_mask(x >> 64, y >> 64) & ~(FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(x >> 64, y >> 64))) | (FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(x >> 64, y >> 64) & FStar_UInt64_gte_mask(x, y)); return ((uint128_t)mask) << 64 | mask; } uint128_t FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint64_to_uint128(uint64_t x) { return x; } uint64_t FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint128_to_uint64(uint128_t x) { return x; } #elif !defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(KRML_VERIFIED_UINT128) /* Verified uint128 implementation. */ /* Access 64-bit fields within the int128. */ #define HIGH64_OF(x) ((x)->high) #define LOW64_OF(x) ((x)->low) typedef FStar_UInt128_uint128 FStar_UInt128_t_, uint128_t; /* A series of definitions written using pointers. */ void load128_le_(uint8_t *b, uint128_t *r) { LOW64_OF(r) = load64_le(b); HIGH64_OF(r) = load64_le(b + 8); } void store128_le_(uint8_t *b, uint128_t *n) { store64_le(b, LOW64_OF(n)); store64_le(b + 8, HIGH64_OF(n)); } void load128_be_(uint8_t *b, uint128_t *r) { HIGH64_OF(r) = load64_be(b); LOW64_OF(r) = load64_be(b + 8); } void store128_be_(uint8_t *b, uint128_t *n) { store64_be(b, HIGH64_OF(n)); store64_be(b + 8, LOW64_OF(n)); } void FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint64_to_uint128_(uint64_t x, uint128_t *dst) { /* C89 */ LOW64_OF(dst) = x; HIGH64_OF(dst) = 0; } uint64_t FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint128_to_uint64_(uint128_t *x) { return LOW64_OF(x); } # ifndef KRML_NOSTRUCT_PASSING uint128_t load128_le(uint8_t *b) { uint128_t r; load128_le_(b, &r); return r; } void store128_le(uint8_t *b, uint128_t n) { store128_le_(b, &n); } uint128_t load128_be(uint8_t *b) { uint128_t r; load128_be_(b, &r); return r; } void store128_be(uint8_t *b, uint128_t n) { store128_be_(b, &n); } uint128_t FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint64_to_uint128(uint64_t x) { uint128_t dst; FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint64_to_uint128_(x, &dst); return dst; } uint64_t FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint128_to_uint64(uint128_t x) { return FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint128_to_uint64_(&x); } # else /* !defined(KRML_STRUCT_PASSING) */ # define print128 print128_ # define load128_le load128_le_ # define store128_le store128_le_ # define load128_be load128_be_ # define store128_be store128_be_ # define FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint128_to_uint64 \ FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint128_to_uint64_ # define FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint64_to_uint128 \ FStar_Int_Cast_Full_uint64_to_uint128_ # endif /* KRML_STRUCT_PASSING */ #endif