David Zimmer 523fb9d9fc VB6 bindings and dynload update w/ uc_context* and uc_free api,… (#715)
* msvc unicorn.def and dynload.c added new uc_context* and uc_free api, includes support for older dlls compiled with uc_context_free (can remove next binary release)

* vb6 bindings & x86 32bit sample class for unicorn
2017-01-16 09:40:56 +08:00

326 lines
8.3 KiB

Attribute VB_Name = "misc"
Option Explicit
Public sharedMemory() As Byte 'in a module so it never goes out of scope and becomes unallocated..
Public Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
Public Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Public Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
Public Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal lpModuleName As String) As Long
Enum op
op_add = 0
op_sub = 1
op_div = 2
op_mul = 3
op_mod = 4
op_xor = 5
op_and = 6
op_or = 7
op_rsh = 8
op_lsh = 9
op_gt = 10
op_lt = 11
op_gteq = 12
op_lteq = 13
End Enum
'unsigned math operations
Public Declare Function ULong Lib "ucvbshim.dll" (ByVal v1 As Long, ByVal v2 As Long, ByVal operation As op) As Long
'this is just a quick way to support x64 numbers in vb6 its lite but can be bulky to work with
'if we wanted to really work with x64 values we would compile a library such as the following into the shim layer:
' https://github.com/dzzie/libs/tree/master/vb6_utypes
Private Type Bit64Currency
value As Currency
End Type
Private Type Bit64Integer
LowValue As Long
HighValue As Long
End Type
Global Const LANG_US = &H409
Function lng2Cur(v As Long) As Currency
Dim c As Bit64Currency
Dim dl As Bit64Integer
dl.LowValue = v
dl.HighValue = 0
LSet c = dl
lng2Cur = c.value
End Function
Function cur2lng(v As Currency) As Long
Dim c As Bit64Currency
Dim dl As Bit64Integer
c.value = v
LSet dl = c
cur2lng = dl.LowValue
End Function
Function KeyExistsInCollection(c As Collection, val As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo nope
Dim t
t = c(val)
KeyExistsInCollection = True
Exit Function
nope: KeyExistsInCollection = False
End Function
Function FileExists(path As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo nope
If Len(path) = 0 Then Exit Function
If Right(path, 1) = "\" Then Exit Function
If Dir(path, vbHidden Or vbNormal Or vbReadOnly Or vbSystem) <> "" Then FileExists = True
Exit Function
nope: FileExists = False
End Function
Function FileNameFromPath(fullpath) As String
Dim tmp
If InStr(fullpath, "\") > 0 Then
tmp = Split(fullpath, "\")
FileNameFromPath = CStr(tmp(UBound(tmp)))
End If
End Function
Function GetParentFolder(path) As String
Dim tmp, a As Long
If Right(path, 1) = "\" Then
GetParentFolder = path
a = InStrRev(path, "\")
If a > 0 Then
GetParentFolder = Mid(path, 1, a)
End If
End If
End Function
Function FolderExists(ByVal path As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo nope
If Len(path) = 0 Then Exit Function
If Right(path, 1) <> "\" Then path = path & "\"
If Dir(path, vbDirectory) <> "" Then FolderExists = True
Exit Function
nope: FolderExists = False
End Function
Function HexDump(bAryOrStrData, Optional hexOnly = 0, Optional ByVal startAt As Long = 1, Optional ByVal Length As Long = -1) As String
Dim s() As String, chars As String, tmp As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim ary() As Byte
Dim offset As Long
Const LANG_US = &H409
Dim i As Long, tt, h, x
offset = 0
If TypeName(bAryOrStrData) = "Byte()" Then
ary() = bAryOrStrData
ary = StrConv(CStr(bAryOrStrData), vbFromUnicode, LANG_US)
End If
If startAt < 1 Then startAt = 1
If Length < 1 Then Length = -1
While startAt Mod 16 <> 0
startAt = startAt - 1
startAt = startAt + 1
chars = " "
For i = startAt To UBound(ary) + 1
tt = Hex(ary(i - 1))
If Len(tt) = 1 Then tt = "0" & tt
tmp = tmp & tt & " "
x = ary(i - 1)
'chars = chars & IIf((x > 32 And x < 127) Or x > 191, Chr(x), ".") 'x > 191 causes \x0 problems on non us systems... asc(chr(x)) = 0
chars = chars & IIf((x > 32 And x < 127), Chr(x), ".")
If i > 1 And i Mod 16 = 0 Then
h = Hex(offset)
While Len(h) < 6: h = "0" & h: Wend
If hexOnly = 0 Then
push s, h & " " & tmp & chars
push s, tmp
End If
offset = offset + 16
tmp = Empty
chars = " "
End If
If Length <> -1 Then
Length = Length - 1
If Length = 0 Then Exit For
End If
'if read length was not mod 16=0 then
'we have part of line to account for
If tmp <> Empty Then
If hexOnly = 0 Then
h = Hex(offset)
While Len(h) < 6: h = "0" & h: Wend
h = h & " " & tmp
While Len(h) <= 56: h = h & " ": Wend
push s, h & chars
push s, tmp
End If
End If
HexDump = Join(s, vbCrLf)
If hexOnly <> 0 Then
HexDump = Replace(HexDump, " ", "")
HexDump = Replace(HexDump, vbCrLf, "")
End If
End Function
Public Function toBytes(ByVal hexstr, Optional strRet As Boolean = False)
'11 22 33 44 spaced hex chars
'11223344 run together hex strings
'11,22,33,44 csv hex
'\x11,0x22 misc C source rips
'ignores common C source prefixes, operators, delimiters, and whitespace
'not supported
'1,2,3,4 all hex chars are must have two chars even if delimited
'a version which supports more formats is here:
' https://github.com/dzzie/libs/blob/master/dzrt/globals.cls
Dim ret As String, x As String, str As String
Dim r() As Byte, b As Byte, b1 As Byte
Dim foundDecimal As Boolean, tmp, i, a, a2
Dim pos As Long, marker As String
On Error GoTo nope
str = Replace(hexstr, vbCr, Empty)
str = Replace(str, vbLf, Empty)
str = Replace(str, vbTab, Empty)
str = Replace(str, Chr(0), Empty)
str = Replace(str, "{", Empty)
str = Replace(str, "}", Empty)
str = Replace(str, ";", Empty)
str = Replace(str, "+", Empty)
str = Replace(str, """""", Empty)
str = Replace(str, "'", Empty)
str = Replace(str, " ", Empty)
str = Replace(str, "0x", Empty)
str = Replace(str, "\x", Empty)
str = Replace(str, ",", Empty)
For i = 1 To Len(str) Step 2
x = Mid(str, i, 2)
If Not isHexChar(x, b) Then Exit Function
bpush r(), b
If strRet Then
toBytes = StrConv(r, vbUnicode, LANG_US)
toBytes = r
End If
End Function
Private Sub bpush(bAry() As Byte, b As Byte) 'this modifies parent ary object
On Error GoTo init
Dim x As Long
x = UBound(bAry) '<-throws Error If Not initalized
ReDim Preserve bAry(UBound(bAry) + 1)
bAry(UBound(bAry)) = b
Exit Sub
ReDim bAry(0)
bAry(0) = b
End Sub
Sub push(ary, value) 'this modifies parent ary object
On Error GoTo init
Dim x
x = UBound(ary)
ReDim Preserve ary(x + 1)
If IsObject(value) Then
Set ary(x + 1) = value
ary(x + 1) = value
End If
Exit Sub
ReDim ary(0)
If IsObject(value) Then
Set ary(0) = value
ary(0) = value
End If
End Sub
Public Function isHexChar(hexValue As String, Optional b As Byte) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim v As Long
If Len(hexValue) = 0 Then GoTo nope
If Len(hexValue) > 2 Then GoTo nope 'expecting hex char code like FF or 90
v = CLng("&h" & hexValue)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then GoTo nope 'invalid hex code
b = CByte(v)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then GoTo nope 'shouldnt happen.. > 255 cant be with len() <=2 ?
isHexChar = True
Exit Function
isHexChar = False
End Function
Function hhex(b As Byte) As String
hhex = Hex(b)
If Len(hhex) = 1 Then hhex = "0" & hhex
End Function
Function rpad(x, i, Optional c = " ")
rpad = Left(x & String(i, c), i)
End Function
Function lbCopy(lstBox As Object) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim tmp() As String
For i = 0 To lstBox.ListCount
push tmp, lstBox.List(i)
lbCopy = Join(tmp, vbCrLf)
End Function