307 lines
9.0 KiB
307 lines
9.0 KiB
#include "pch.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "Hooks.h"
typedef int (__cdecl* keyToLE_v25)(unsigned int* dest, int* key, int bits);
keyToLE_v25 keyToLE_v25_hook = nullptr;
typedef int (__cdecl* keyToLE_v28)(unsigned int* dest, int* key, int bits, bool isEncoded);
keyToLE_v28 keyToLE_v28_hook = nullptr;
typedef int (__thiscall* authTokenOld_v45)(void* This, char* authToken, int a3, int a4, int a5, size_t tokenLength,
int a7, int a8, int a9, __int64 bearerStr, int a11, int a12, int a13, int a14, char a15, int a16, int int_40,
int a18, char a19, int a20);
authTokenOld_v45 authTokenOld_v45_hook = nullptr;
typedef int* (__thiscall* authToken_v45)(void* This, int* a2);
authToken_v45 authToken_v45_hook = nullptr;
typedef char* (__cdecl* hexToStr_v45)(char* dest, BYTE* src, size_t srcLength);
hexToStr_v45 hexToStr_v45_hook = nullptr;
typedef int* (__thiscall* openTrack_v45)(void* This, int a2, void* a3, int a4, __int64 position, char a6, void* a7);
openTrack_v45 openTrack_v45_hook = nullptr;
typedef int* (__thiscall* log_v45)(void* This, int a2, int a3, void* a4, const char* classStr, int a6,
DWORD* logThing);
log_v45 log_v45_hook;
typedef void (__thiscall* fileIdWriter_v45)(void* This, int* a2);
fileIdWriter_v45 fileIdWriter_v45_hook = nullptr;
//typedef int(__stdcall* signalEmitter_v45)(int a1, int a2);
typedef void (__thiscall* signalEmitter_v45)(void* This, int a1, int a2);
signalEmitter_v45 signalEmitter_v45_hook = nullptr;
std::string authToken;
std::string keyStr = std::string();
std::string trackUriStr = std::string();
__int64 newPosition = 0;
bool signalled = false;
int __cdecl keyToLE_hook_v25(unsigned int* dest, int* key, int bits)
if (bits == 128)
BYTE keyBuffer[16];
BYTE* keyBufPtr = keyBuffer;
memcpy(keyBufPtr, key, 16);
// Only print out key if it is different
std::string newKeyStr = Utils::HexString(keyBufPtr, 16);
if (newKeyStr.compare(keyStr) != 0)
std::cout << "Key: " << newKeyStr << std::endl << std::endl;
keyStr = newKeyStr;
return keyToLE_v25_hook(dest, key, bits);
int __cdecl keyToLE_hook_v28(unsigned int* dest, int* key, int bits, bool isEncoded)
if (bits == 128)
void* decodedKeyPtr = key;
if (isEncoded)
// key is encoded with some sort of algorithm; decode it here
unsigned int keyDecoded[4];
unsigned int uVar1;
unsigned int keyPtr;
unsigned int uVar3;
int index;
keyPtr = *key;
index = 15;
uVar3 = key[1];
keyDecoded[0] = key[2];
keyDecoded[1] = key[3];
keyDecoded[2] = key[4];
keyDecoded[3] = key[5];
uVar1 = keyDecoded[index - 1 & 3];
keyDecoded[index & 3] =
keyDecoded[index & 3] +
(((((uVar1 + index + keyPtr & uVar1 * 16 + uVar3) * 2 + uVar1 * -17) -
index) - uVar3) - keyPtr);
while (index >= 0);
decodedKeyPtr = &keyDecoded;
// Copy key bytes to new buffer
char keyBuffer[16];
char* keyBufPtr = keyBuffer;
memcpy(keyBufPtr, decodedKeyPtr, 16);
// Only print out key if it is different
std::string newKey = std::string(keyBufPtr, 16);
if (newKey.compare(keyStr) != 0)
std::cout << "Key: " << Utils::HexString(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&newKey[0]), 16) << std::endl << std::endl;
keyStr = newKey;
return keyToLE_v28_hook(dest, key, bits, isEncoded);
int __fastcall authTokenHookOld_hook_v45(void* This, void* _EDX, char* authToken, int a3, int a4, int a5,
size_t tokenLength, int a7, int a8, int a9, __int64 bearerStr, int a11, int a12, int a13, int a14, char a15,
int a16, int int_40, int a18, char a19, int a20)
if (tokenLength == 311)
//std::cout << "Auth token: " << authToken << std::endl << std::endl;
::authToken = std::string(authToken);
return authTokenOld_v45_hook(This, authToken, a3, a4, a5, tokenLength, a7, a8, a9, bearerStr, a11, a12, a13, a14,
a15, a16, int_40, a18, a19, a20);
int* __fastcall authToken_hook_v45(void* This, void* _EDX, int* a2)
char* authToken = (char*) *(DWORD*)((a2) + 2); // 8/4 = 2
//std::cout << "authToken: " << authToken << std::endl << std::endl;
::authToken = std::string(authToken);
return authToken_v45_hook(This, a2);
char* __cdecl hexToStr_hook_v45(char* dest, BYTE* src, size_t srcLength)
//std::cout << "hexToStr hook" << std::endl;
if (srcLength == 20)
// Assume it is file id
//std::cout << "File id: " << Utils::HexString(src, srcLength) << std::endl << std::endl;
//std::cout << "file id!?" << std::endl;
return hexToStr_v45_hook(dest, src, srcLength);
int* __fastcall openTrack_hook_v45(void* This, void* _EDX, int a2, void* a3, int a4, __int64 position, char a6,
void* a7)
std::cout << "openTrack!!!" << std::endl << std::endl;
return openTrack_v45_hook(This, a2, a3, a4, newPosition, a6, a7);
int* __fastcall log_hook_v45(void* This, void* _EDX, int a2, int a3, void* a4, const char* classStr, int a6,
DWORD* logThing)
if (!Utils::BadPtr(logThing))
char* logChars = (char*)(*logThing);
if (!Utils::BadPtr(logChars))
//std::string logStr = std::string(logChars).substr(8, 5);
std::string logStr = std::string(logChars);
//std::cout << "logStr: " << logStr << std::endl;
if (logStr.compare(8, 9, "track_uri") == 0)
if (logStr.compare(19, 13, "spotify:track") == 0)
//std::cout << "Track URI: " << logStr.substr(19, std::string::npos) << std::endl;
trackUriStr = logStr.substr(19, std::string::npos);
newPosition = 0;
//else if (logStr.compare(19, 11, "spotify:ad") == 0) // Possibly this works?
std::cout << "Skipping ad: " << logStr.substr(19, std::string::npos) << std::endl;
newPosition = 29000; // 29 seconds: duration of ad
return log_v45_hook(This, a2, a3, a4, classStr, a6, logThing);
void __fastcall fileIdWriter_hook_v45(void* This, void* _EDX, int* a2)
// [[ebp+8]+28]
char* fileId = (char*) *(DWORD*)(a2 + 16); // 0x40 / 4 = 16
//std::cout << "fileId: " << fileId << std::endl << std::endl;
if (signalled)
//std::cout << "signalled = false" << std::endl;
signalled = false;
std::thread t2(Utils::DownloadSong, std::string(fileId), trackUriStr, keyStr, authToken);
return fileIdWriter_v45_hook(This, a2);
int signalEmitterInitCount = 0;
const int signalEmitterRequired = 5;
void __fastcall signalEmitter_hook_v45(void* This, void* _EDX, int a1, int a2)
//std::cout << "signalEmitter!!!" << std::endl << std::endl;
// Required in order to guarentee accurate data needed
if (signalEmitterInitCount < signalEmitterRequired)
//std::cout << "signalled = true" << std::endl;
signalled = true;
return signalEmitter_v45_hook(This, a1, a2);
char* GetKeyFuncAddrV26()
BYTE ref_v19 = 0x55;
BYTE* byteAtAddrStr = (BYTE*)0x010800C0;
// Byte at byteAtAddr in 1.1.26-19 is 0x55
if (*byteAtAddrStr == ref_v19)
return (char*)0x010800C0;
return (char*)0x0107FEC0;
char* GetKeyFuncAddrV27()
BYTE ref_v7 = 0x55;
BYTE* byteAtAddrStr = (BYTE*)0x01068F90;
// Byte at byteAtAddr in 1.1.27-7 is 0x55
if (*byteAtAddrStr == ref_v7)
return (char*)0x01068F90;
return (char*)0x01068F20;
void Hooks::Init()
int spotifyVer = Utils::GetSpotifyVersion();
// Method is stripped from Release build if this isn't here :/
std::cout << "Spotify version: 1.1." << Utils::GetSpotifyVersion() << std::endl << std::endl;
switch (spotifyVer)
case 25:
keyToLE_v25_hook = (keyToLE_v25)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x0106B920, (char*)keyToLE_hook_v25, 6);
case 26:
// Two 1.1.26 versions
keyToLE_v25_hook = (keyToLE_v25)Utils::TrampHook32(GetKeyFuncAddrV26(), (char*)keyToLE_hook_v25, 6);
case 27:
// Two 1.1.27 versions
keyToLE_v25_hook = (keyToLE_v25)Utils::TrampHook32(GetKeyFuncAddrV27(), (char*)keyToLE_hook_v25, 6);
case 28:
keyToLE_v28_hook = (keyToLE_v28)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x01074650, (char*)keyToLE_hook_v28, 6);
case 29:
keyToLE_v28_hook = (keyToLE_v28)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x010861B0, (char*)keyToLE_hook_v28, 6);
case 30:
keyToLE_v28_hook = (keyToLE_v28)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x0108E840, (char*)keyToLE_hook_v28, 6);
case 44:
keyToLE_v28_hook = (keyToLE_v28)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x010CABC0, (char*)keyToLE_hook_v28, 6);
case 45:
keyToLE_v28_hook = (keyToLE_v28)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x010CF780, (char*)keyToLE_hook_v28, 6);
authToken_v45_hook = (authToken_v45)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x00BF75F0, (char*)authToken_hook_v45, 7);
//openTrack_v45_hook = (openTrack_v45)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x00CA5740, (char*)&openTrack_hook_v45, 5);
log_v45_hook = (log_v45)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x10F2370, (char*)&log_hook_v45, 5);
fileIdWriter_v45_hook = (fileIdWriter_v45)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x00CBB560, (char*)&fileIdWriter_hook_v45,
signalEmitter_v45_hook = (signalEmitter_v45)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x00B095A0, (char*)signalEmitter_hook_v45,
//hexToStr_v45_hook = (hexToStr_v45)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x010F81A0, (char*)hexToStr_hook_v45, 7);
case 46:
keyToLE_v28_hook = (keyToLE_v28)Utils::TrampHook32((char*)0x010C2FB0, (char*)keyToLE_hook_v28, 6);
} |