19 luigis mansion 3
Law edited this page 2022-05-05 22:26:37 +01:00

Luigi's Mansion 3 is intermittently playable. This is due to the game having some significant performance issues on certain updates, these include but are not limited to:

As a general recommendation, do not use Update 1.1.0 as this leads to a LOT of performance issues, which seem unfixable with any changes currently.

  • Slowdowns
  • Minor temporary Freezes
  • Frame drops


Game Graphics work well when running Vulkan, OPENGL has some extra slowdowns and frame drops.

For Optimal Performance on Vulkan you should use the "Disable Dynamic Resolution" mod, with the following settings for THIS GAME ONLY:

  1. Use asynchronous GPU emulation
  2. Disable Use Fast GPU Time
  3. Enable Asynchronous shader building

This will result in stable and consistent FPS on most machines